An organization such as E.P.O.N.A. cannot operate successfully without the efforts and generosity of many. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the many individuals and organizations that have been so generous with their time, resources and services. On behalf of all of us here at E.P.O.N.A. thank you.
We are very fortunate here at E.P.O.N.A. that our administration, and maintenance fees are separately funded by specific grants. This enables us to allocate 100% of the monies donated directly to the care and well being of the horses placed in our care.
Doreen Heselton of State Line Tack Shop, located in, Plaistow, New Hampshire
accepts a certificate of appreciation from E.P.O.N.A. Director Ron Levesque for their
supportive efforts of E.P.O.N.A. and our programs.
Thank you all at Stateline. We greatly appreciate your support.
Congratulations to our wonderful volunteers of the month club. The following volunteers have been chosen our volunteer of the month for their exemplary service and dedication that they have exhibited to our cause. Thank you to them, and to the many other volunteers who we greatly appreciate and rely on as well.
Volunteer of the month for January 2003
Julie Wachter of Nottingham, NH and her Premarin three year old Erin
Volunteers of the month for February 2003
Lori Stowell and Bridget Ronaghan of Epping, NH
Photo not available
Volunteer of the month for March 2003
Cathy West and her horse Mickey's Order of New Durham, NH
Dr. Robert Levine and Mary Tyler Moore -New York , New York
The Sanderson Trust -Epping, New Hampshire
Eric and Jacqueline Stromquist- Hamilton, MA
ASPCA -New York, New York
Exceller Fund - Flowermound, Texas
Rockingham County Riding Club - New Hampshire
United Animal Nations - Sacramento, California
Jane Saacke - Long Island, New York
Judy Baker- Lempster, NH
Milton and Sandra Blackington- Sunapee, NH
Olive Bowen- Claremont, NH
Richard Droukas- North Berwick, Me
Maria and Joel Hale- Windsor, VT
Emerald Valley Botanicals-Newton, NH
Epping House of Pizza-Epping, NH
Ernest and Cathy Hewey- Charleston, NH
Fox Fire Grill-Epping, NH
Horses R us 4-H Club- Langdon, NH
Robert and Cora Kangas- Croydon, NH
Julie King-Rice- Charleston, NH
Linda Kingsbury- Claremont, NH
Barbara Kraus- Flowermound, TX
Keith and Pearl LaFountain- Claremont, NH
Louis and Norma Lasonde- Saxtons River, VT
Londonderry Lucky Horseshoes 4-H Club- Londonderry, NH
William and Sharon MacDonald- Newport, NH
R.Eleanor Magill- Claremont, NH
Norma McGray- George Mills, NH
Debra Nickerson- Concord, NH
Betty and John Nichols- Claremont, NH
Bonnie Patnode- Charleston, NH
Mary Perkins and Family- Keene, NH
Susan Morrison-Rogers,-Tuftonboro, NH
Margaret Ronaghan-Buffalo, NY
Jeremy Ryan- Blackstone, MA
Telly's Restaurant-Epping, NH
Henrietta Scborek- Claremont, NH
Norman and Judy Spaulding- Proctorsville, VT
Nancy Staniszewski- North Walpole, NH
Barbara Stoodley- Newport, NH
Stephen and Deborah Vinciguerra- Washington, NH
Betty Jane Westerling- Charleston, NH
Reigh and William Yurek- Claremont, NH
Maryanne Zamba, Williston, VT
American Humane Association, Denver Colorado
American Horse Protection, Washington, DC
New Hampshire Arabian Association
New Hampshire Equine Humane Association
New Hampshire Farm Museum
New Hampshire Horse Council
New Hampshire Quarter Horse Association
New Hampshire SPCA, Stratham, NH
Southern Maine Association Riding Trails, South Berwick, ME
Squamscott Pony Club, Durham, NH
Triple R 4-H Club, Dunbarton ,NH
University of New Hampshire Equine Program
Bear Spot Sport Horse Health Care facility, Littleton, MA
Cornerstone Veterinary, Epping, NH
North Country Equine, Center Sandwich, NH
Raven Rock Veterinary, Milford, NH
Rochester Equine Clinic, Rochester, NH
Wadleigh Falls Veterinary, New Market, NH
Patrick Riley, Raymond, NH Farrier
Forge On Farm, Raymond, NH Farrier
William Kuegel, Lee, NH Farrier
Cactus City, North Hampton, NH
D.F. Richard Energy, Dover, NH
Dodges Agway, Hampton and Plaistow, NH
Ellen's Laughter Originals, Epping, NH
The Equery, Epping, NH
High Road Farm, OakPark, VA (Karen Carabillo )
Log Home Hardware, Nottingham, NH
Meader Supply, Rochester, NH
Newton Feed Supply, Newton, NH
Rochester Feed, Rochester, NH
Sagacity Productions, Newburyport,MA
Seacoast Mills, Brentwood, NH
Summer Wind Farm, Moscow, PA ( Dr. Stephen and Christine Follansbee)
The Tack Shack, Fremont, NH
E.P.O.N.A. PO Box 315 Epping, NH 03042-0315 603-679-1896
Abuse and Neglect Calls: New Hampshire Equine Humane Assoc. 888-756-4342
Website design by Ellen's Laughter Originals. Copyright �2002 E.P.O.N.A. All rights reserved.
This page was last updated on 04/03/2003 .