Podcast – Bob Dancer episode 8

Podcast - Blair Hull episode #4

Bob Dancer is the world’s best known authority on Video Poker, having written many books, and countless articles on the subject. He of course was my cohost and founder of Gambling With an Edge for 12 years. But in this episode we are going back to when he was trying to be a professional backgammon player in the 1970s in Los Angeles, where cheating was a very real danger.

You can reach me at [email protected], or find me on Twitter @RWM21. If you like the show please tell a friend you think might like it, or if you are really ambitious leave a review wherever you listen.

podcast – https://www.spreaker.com/user/7418966/bobdancerep8




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Habilidades de Supervivencia para los Seres Queridos de Jugadores Compulsivos

Habilidades de Supervivencia para los Seres Queridos de Jugadores Compulsivos

[IMAGE] Coping Skills for Loved Ones of Compulsive Gamblers

¡No estás solo! Muchas familias, seres queridos y amigos de jugadores problemáticos pueden verse gravemente afectados mental, física y financieramente por esta adicción oculta. Es crucial que establezcas límites y cuides de ti mismo. Al igual que cuando escuchas las instrucciones de seguridad en un avión, dicen que te pongas tu propia máscara primero, porque no puedes ayudar a los demás sin haber garantizado tu propia seguridad primero. Sigue leyendo este artículo para ver qué puedes hacer por ti mismo para enfrentar el estrés causado por esta adicción y ayudar al jugador compulsivo en su proceso de recuperación.

Para comenzar, es importante entender que esto no es una batalla entre el ser querido y el jugador problemático, es una batalla que se pelea juntos contra la propia adicción. Es importante entender que, la adicción en sí misma puede cambiar drásticamente el comportamiento y el carácter del jugador compulsivo. Es posible que ya te hayas sorprendido por estos mecanismos de defensa, como la negación, la transferencia de culpa, la manipulación y el efecto secundario de la mentira patológica. En primer lugar, debes mantenerte a salvo mientras lidias con esta persona. La triste realidad es que el juego problemático también puede llevar al abandono y a la violencia doméstica. Esto podría significar amenazarte verbalmente, físicamente o incluso volverse violento arrojando objetos o golpeándote. El abuso también puede presentarse en forma de “gaslighting”, lo que significa que mienten o te dicen cosas una y otra vez hasta que dudes de ti mismo, en pocas palabras, manipulación. La Línea Nacional contra la Violencia Doméstica es 1-800-799-7233[1], la Línea de Violencia Doméstica de la Florida es 1-800-500-1119 y la Línea Directa de Abuso de la Florida es 1-800-962-2873[2]. Todas están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Si te encuentras en una situación en la que temes por tu seguridad, no dudes en llamar al 911.

Ten en cuenta que existen recursos adaptados a seres queridos afectados por el juego compulsivo, disponibles en cualquier momento del día o la noche en la Florida a través de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT. Especialistas experimentados están listos para conectarte con las reuniones de apoyo de “GamAnon” para seres queridos de jugadores problemáticos, los Cuadernos de Recuperación para seres queridos del FCCG “A Chance for Change”, el Kit de Deuda Financiera y Presupuesto del FCCG, referencias de consejería de nuestra red de proveedores de tratamiento de adicciones al juego con licencia y certificados, el Programa de Conexión entre Pares del FCCG y mucho más. La ayuda y la esperanza están a solo una llamada o mensaje de texto de distancia.

Aquí hay algunas formas de ayudarte a ti mismo durante este difícil momento:

  • No te culpes a ti mismo: En primer lugar, debes saber que no eres culpable de la adicción de tu ser querido. Protegerte a ti mismo y a tu familia de más dificultades financieras es importante. Necesitas cuidarte y cuidar a tu familia. No tienes control sobre el jugador compulsivo, solo puedes alentarlo a buscar ayuda llamando a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT; esta Línea de Ayuda también puede apoyarte a TI durante estos tiempos desafiantes.
  • Cuídate a ti mismo: Vivir con un jugador compulsivo puede poner una inmensa presión en una relación. Esto puede causar ansiedad, depresión y dolor. Un ser querido puede comer en exceso, beber en exceso o gastar en exceso como reacción al problema, intentando limitar el acceso del jugador al dinero agotando los ahorros, un enfoque destructivo por sí solo. Los seres queridos pueden incluso pensar que, si van a jugar con la persona afectada, pueden controlar mejor la situación, pero esto simplemente no es cierto. Es comprensible que te sientas perdido sobre qué hacer, y eso es natural. Por eso, la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT está lista y dispuesta a conectarte con una amplia gama de recursos que abordan casi todas las situaciones causadas por el juego problemático, todo sin sacrificar tus propias necesidades.
  • Céntrate en tu familia: En casos extremos, el juego compulsivo puede llevar a problemas financieros de emergencia que amenazan las necesidades básicas como la comida y la vivienda, especialmente preocupante cuando hay niños en el hogar. Si ya te encuentras en esta situación o temes estar cerca de ella, comunícate de inmediato con la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT para conectarte con recursos locales de vivienda temporal, bancos de alimentos y otros apoyos financieros de emergencia. Los impactos de la adicción al juego también pueden afectar la salud mental de un niño, ya que él o ella es testigo de discusiones familiares, tensión, violencia familiar o desintegración. Puedes apoyar emocionalmente a tus hijos alentándolos a compartir sus sentimientos cuando estén listos para hacerlo. Asegúrate de que sepan que no son responsables y céntrate en involucrarlos en actividades grupales y en sus pasatiempos favoritos.

Busca apoyo inmediato llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto a la Línea de Ayuda para Problemas de Juego 888-ADMIT-IT, que está disponible las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, es Confidencial, Multilingüe y está atendida por especialistas altamente capacitados. Nunca es demasiado tarde ni demasiado pronto para comenzar tu propia recuperación como ser querido afectado por el juego compulsivo.

[1] “Safety and Protection.” Florida Department of Children and Families, www.myflfamilies.com/services/abuse. Accessed 30 Aug. 2023.

[2] “National Domestic Violence Hotline.” The Hotline, National Domestic Violence Hotline, 27 Apr. 2023, www.thehotline.org/.

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Roger and Lara Griffiths Lottery Winners ✔️ Full Story

An Aerial Photo of a Futuristic City with Highways

In this informative post, we will do a detailed exploration of everything that happened to Roger and Lara Griffith. Who are they, how their lives changed after winning the lottery, and we will see how quickly Lara and Roger lost everything. Feel free to use the panel below to quickly jump to a relevant section in the post.

Roger and Lara Griffith and Their Backstory

Before Roger and Lara won the lottery, they lived an ordinary life in England. Roger was an IT manager, earning £38,000, and living happily with Lara. She was an art teacher, and both supported each other. They lived in a four-bedroom ex-council house in Boston Spa and always paid their mortgage.

Lara and Roger had a happy life and always hoped to win the lottery. Roger regularly played with hopes of winning one day. Generally, life was going well for the Griffiths, but all that would change in 2005 when Roger pulled a winning lottery ticket and won £1.83 million from the National Lottery. He bought the ticket from a land-based location, as back in 2005, there wasn’t such a huge diversity of lottery sites in the UK.

Suddenly, Roger and Lara were millionaires. The result was that both quit their jobs soon after they won. An understandable decision, considering they were now millionaires. They were living the dream as one of the very few lucky winners of such a huge jackpot. We will cover what happens next further on in the post, as well as how things took a turn for the worst.

What Did the Couple Invest Their Money In?

The moment lottery winners Roger and Lara Griffth received the news that they were the lucky winners of the National Lottery in 2005, their whole lives would make a huge turn.

All in all, they spent over £15,000 in only ten days. They decided to buy an £800,000 barn conversion in the village of Waterbury, West Yorkshire. This was a huge barn, one that only millionaires could afford, and was their dream come true. Roger Griffiths, the lottery winner, soon bought a £28,000 Porsche Carrera to fill up one of the two garage spots, while Lara purchased a £24,700 Lexus 4×4. Later, they also purchased more vehicles, including a £18,000 soft-top Audi.

Both Lara and Roger went on many holiday vacation destinations like Dubai, New York, and Monaco, staying in five-star hotel suites. These vacations weren’t the only ones they attended, as they also visited numerous other top destinations to enjoy their millionaire lifestyle.

Obviously, every person has the right to spend their fortune in the way they wish to. Some make unreasonable purchases, while others spend wisely and invest. If you’d like to see another point of view and read another story, check out the lottery winner Jane Park article.

Lara Griffiths, the lottery winner, really liked shopping, so she bought handbags and many other luxurious items. A regular Saturday night that was an ordinary enjoyment of a movie plus a few beers turned into spending over £300 per night at One Aldwych. Roger had his teeth whitened and often bought very expensive designer clothes to represent his wealth.

As Roger loved rock, he decided to invest in his university rock band. They hired a publicist that cost him £1,000 per month and ended up recording only one single that sold 600 copies, costing him over £25,000. It was this way due to the rehearsals taking place in London. Even though the band had no success and didn’t meet Roger’s expectations, Lara was proud of him.

The couple bought even more properties in Wetherby, and one in Harrogate for over £200,000, with plans to sell them for a profit. However, the housing crash plummeted their investments. In only three years, their expenses surpassed over a million pounds.

And this is where things started to fall off. The once proud Lara accused Roger of overspending, and he accused her of doing the same. We will see where things took a turn for the worst in the next section.

Where It All Went Wrong

Here is the story of how Lara and Roger lost everything. Both realised that they were overspending and that in less than four years, Roger and Lara squandered their money. Over €1,1 million were lost, and the arguments and accusations started.

Lara blamed everything on Roger, as she claimed he was the one that wasted the fortune they had won. Everything started with a house fire on their main property in Wetherby, when a boiler ruptured and caused huge damages to their barn.

A City with Skyscrapers and Busy Traffic

Over €120,000 worth of repairs needed to be carried out, and the couple realised their money would soon be gone. This, according to Roger, was “the final straw of our marriage”. Roger said he was so overwhelmed and overly excited about becoming a millionaire that it took him over six months to get used to it. At that time, he has not realised that everything would fall apart and did not make any plans for smart investments. He thought, since he had that much, he didn’t need a job and that he and Lara were set for life.

The Couple’s Breakup, Accusations, and Blame

Another event occurred soon after when Roger and Lara’s relationship ended. She had found out that Roger was emailing another woman and soon accused him of being unfaithful. This was a claim that Roger dismissed, but it was the boiling point of their dying marriage.

Lara and Roger were not divorced yet, but that would follow soon after because both of them started constant arguments about their poor investment decisions. Lara was angry that Roger bought all these properties and cars and was disappointed about the large amount of money that went into his unsuccessful rock band.

She also claimed they had completely forgotten about their children, who were initially sent to very expensive private schools. They were worried they could not support them anymore, so the children were again moved back to their original public establishments. This, coupled with the crumbling of their planned investments to sell the properties because of the financial crisis, was when Roger and Lara’s relationship ended.

Two People Hugging in the Sunset

To his defence, Roger said that Lara was also overspending. Her art saloon needed to be sold as it was also not thriving, and he claims that she was needlessly organising trips to first-world countries and cities that were very expensive, with little thought put into the financial hit this would cause to them.

All in all, it turned out that being a lottery winner isn’t all good. They had a lovely life, never failed to pay their mortgage, and were able to support their children. Their jobs weren’t low paid, but the jackpot completely changed their lifestyle. Winning the lottery will do that, and many people do not feel sympathy for the Griffiths.

The couple had undergone many interviews by the media. After all, they were the popular winners of the National Lottery. Everybody knew about the Griffiths, and when news broke out that their life had fallen apart, the public’s opinion was negative. Roger and Lara did not work for this money – they got it by a lucky lottery win, and due to poor financial decisions, they lost it all.

What are Roger and Lara Doing Now?

What happened next is that the Griffiths took a devastating blow to a previously happy family. Lara currently still lives in the Wetherby barn conversion, and Roger still insists he pays for the mortgage, though this is not confirmed.

The Porsche was returned, and the many properties that they bought had to be sold at a loss. Although people did not feel much sympathy towards the Griffiths, it’s hard not to feel some for Roger. He did cause harm to the family with all this overspending, but he was left broken after their marriage fell apart and all the accusations Lara put on him. See the below list for a quick timeline of how the issues occurred:

  • ✔️ Roger won the lottery in 2005
  • 🔥 Roger spent £25,000 on his rock band
  • ✅ Lara and Roger started arguing
  • ☀️ Their children were moved to public schools
  • 👉 Lara blamed Roger for everything
  • ➡️ In 2011, Roger was left with just £7

Roger was in a thought circle of where it all went wrong and how he did not intend for any of this to happen. He stated that “the one thing that I did not want to do was to spend and squander all that money”, yet this is exactly what he did, along with Lara’s expensive purchases and vacations too.

Roger did not regret the years he had after the lottery win. He said that they were living the dream, the millionaire’s dream. Few experience such a luxurious lifestyle, and he thinks that every lottery winner should be able to experience it.

All in all, things did turn out to be bad for the Griffiths, as they could have spent their winnings in a much better way. This is the main reason the couple wasn’t well received by the public. If they had been smarter with their investments, been wary of the financial crisis, and put more thought into saving what they could, this could have been prevented.

Other Lottery Winners in the UK

Let’s have a look at some other lucky lottery winners in the UK. One of the most recent and biggest wins was in 2022 when Joe and Jess Thwaite claimed £184 million on a lottery draw that took place on the 10th of May. They wanted to stay anonymous, however, they finally revealed their identity during a press conference.

We must also mention the popular lottery winner Callie Rogers, who, back in 2003, had an ordinary life, living on only £3.60 per hour. Her life took a drastic turn when she won the Lotto Jackpot, earning a total of £1.87 million. We’ve compiled data of the top lottery winners in the UK below.

Biggest Lotto Wins in the UK
Name Sum
Joe and Jess Thwaite £184,262,899
Colin and Chris Weir £161,653,000
Adrian and Gillian Bayford £190,000,000
France Connolly and Patrick £114,969,775
‘Matt’ Matthew £500,000

These are our picks for the top lottery winners. No matter who you are, winning the lottery is surely a dream come true. As long as you keep track of your spending, of course. And for a detailed look at more lottery winners in recent times, see our page for the latest lottery winners around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the section below, you’ll find quick answers to the segments discussed in the blog. We’ve covered the whole life after the lottery win of the Griffiths, and the most common inquiries are below. Use the links to quickly go to the relevant section of the blog post.

1️⃣ Who are Roger and Lara Griffiths?

The Roger and Lara Griffiths lottery winners used to live an ordinary life with stable jobs and two daughters. They were a happy family that owned a four-bedroom ex-council house in England, but all changed after they won the lottery in 2005. Roger and Lara quit their jobs and started living the lives of millionaires.

2️⃣ What did the couple do with the money?

The lottery winners, Roger and Lara Griffiths, were quick to start their spending spree. Among the many huge purchases, they bought a barn, several cars, and invested in even more properties. All in all, they could have made smarter investments.

3️⃣ How did the Griffiths lose everything?

Soon, the Griffiths realised that they were overspending. Roger was buying way too many properties and investing in an unsuccessful rock band, while Lara was constantly shopping and suggesting expensive vacations. They eventually got into many arguments, and their marriage broke up. Soon after, Roger and Lara’s relationship ended.

4️⃣ When did Lara and Roger Griffith win the lottery?

The year when everything changed for the Griffiths was 2005. They were living ordinary lives until that happy moment when Roger pulled the winning ticket. As we all know, they should have been more careful with their spending, and today, they are a good example for other lottery winners for how not to spend your winnings.

5️⃣ What are the Griffiths’ lives like now?

Roger and Lara had to say goodbye to their millionaire luxurious lifestyle. After many poor financial decisions, Lara had to move to the barn they initially bought, while Roger lives in a small cottage, with little to no money. Had the couple made smart financial decisions and not quit their jobs, things would have been different.

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Coping Skills for Loved Ones of Compulsive Gamblers |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

You are not alone! So many families, loved ones, and friends of problem gamblers can be severely mentally, physically, and financially impacted by this hidden addiction. It is crucial that you set boundaries and take care of yourself. Much like when you are watching the safety presentation on an airplane, they say for you to put your own mask on first, because you can’t help others without ensuring your own safety first. Read on to see what you can do for yourself to cope with the stress caused by this addiction and help support the problem gambler in finding recovery.

To begin, it is important to understand that this is not a battle between the loved one and the problem gambler. It’s a battle fought together against the addiction itself. It is important to understand that the addiction itself can dramatically change the behavior and demeanor of the compulsive gambler. You may have already been taken aback by these defense mechanisms acting out, like denial, shifting blame, manipulation, and the side effect of pathological lying. First and foremost, you must keep yourself safe while dealing with this person. The unfortunate reality is that problem gambling can also lead to family neglect and violence. This could mean threatening you verbally, physically, or actually getting violent by throwing things or hitting you. Abuse can also come in the form of gaslighting, meaning they lie or say things to you over and over again until you doubt yourself – simply put; manipulation. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233[1], the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-500-1119, and the Florida Abuse Hotline is 1-800-962-2873[2] – all are available 24/7. If you are in a situation where you fear for your safety, call 911.

Know that resources tailored to loved ones impacted by problem gambling are available any time of day or night in Florida through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. Experienced Specialists are standing by and ready to connect you with the GamAnon Self-Help Support Meetings for loved ones of problem gamblers, FCCG’s A Chance for Change Recovery Workbooks for Loved Ones, the FCCG’s Financial Debt & Budgeting Toolkit, counseling referrals from our network of licensed and certified gambling addiction treatment providers, the FCCG’s Peer Connect Program, and so much more. Help and hope are just a call or text away.

Here are a few ways to help yourself through this trying time:

  • Don’t blame yourself: First, you must know you are not to blame for your loved one’s addiction. Protecting yourself and your family from further financial hardships is important. You need to care for yourself and your family. You have no control over the compulsive gambler. You can only encourage the problem gambler to get help by calling the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, and the HelpLine can also support YOU during these challenging times.
  • Take care of yourself: Living with a compulsive gambler can place immense strain on a relationship. This can cause anxiety, depression, and grief. A loved one may over eat, over drink, or over spend in reaction to the problem, attempting to limit the gambler’s access to money by depleting savings – a destructive approach on its own. Loved ones may even think if they go gamble with the affected individual, they can better control the situation, but this simply isn’t true. It is understandable that you may feel at a loss for what to do – and that’s natural. That’s why the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is standing by and ready to connect you with a wide range of resources that address nearly every situation brought about by problem gambling, all without sacrificing your own needs.
  • Focus on your family: In extreme cases, problem gambling can lead to emergency financial problems that threaten basic needs like food and shelter, especially concerning when there are children in the household. If you are already in or fear you are nearing this situation, contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine immediately for connection to local resources for temporary housing, food banks, and other emergency financial supports. The impacts of gambling addiction can also take a toll on a child’s mental health, as he or she witnesses family arguments, tension, family violence, or breakdown. You can support your children emotionally by encouraging them to share their feelings when they are ready to do so. Be sure they know they are not responsible, and focus on engaging them with group activities and their favorite hobbies.

Reach out for immediate support by calling or texting the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine, and get connected to resources from highly trained Specialists. It is never too late or too soon to begin your own recovery, as a loved one impacted by problem gambling.

[1] “Safety and Protection.” Florida Department of Children and Families, www.myflfamilies.com/services/abuse. Accessed 30 Aug. 2023.

[2] “National Domestic Violence Hotline.” The Hotline, National Domestic Violence Hotline, 27 Apr. 2023, www.thehotline.org/.

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Habilidades de Supervivencia para los Seres Queridos de Jugadores Compulsivos |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

¡No estás solo! Muchas familias, seres queridos y amigos de jugadores problemáticos pueden verse gravemente afectados mental, física y financieramente por esta adicción oculta. Es crucial que establezcas límites y cuides de ti mismo. Al igual que cuando escuchas las instrucciones de seguridad en un avión, dicen que te pongas tu propia máscara primero, porque no puedes ayudar a los demás sin haber garantizado tu propia seguridad primero. Sigue leyendo este artículo para ver qué puedes hacer por ti mismo para enfrentar el estrés causado por esta adicción y ayudar al jugador compulsivo en su proceso de recuperación.

Para comenzar, es importante entender que esto no es una batalla entre el ser querido y el jugador problemático, es una batalla que se pelea juntos contra la propia adicción. Es importante entender que, la adicción en sí misma puede cambiar drásticamente el comportamiento y el carácter del jugador compulsivo. Es posible que ya te hayas sorprendido por estos mecanismos de defensa, como la negación, la transferencia de culpa, la manipulación y el efecto secundario de la mentira patológica. En primer lugar, debes mantenerte a salvo mientras lidias con esta persona. La triste realidad es que el juego problemático también puede llevar al abandono y a la violencia doméstica. Esto podría significar amenazarte verbalmente, físicamente o incluso volverse violento arrojando objetos o golpeándote. El abuso también puede presentarse en forma de “gaslighting”, lo que significa que mienten o te dicen cosas una y otra vez hasta que dudes de ti mismo, en pocas palabras, manipulación. La Línea Nacional contra la Violencia Doméstica es 1-800-799-7233[1], la Línea de Violencia Doméstica de la Florida es 1-800-500-1119 y la Línea Directa de Abuso de la Florida es 1-800-962-2873[2]. Todas están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Si te encuentras en una situación en la que temes por tu seguridad, no dudes en llamar al 911.

Ten en cuenta que existen recursos adaptados a seres queridos afectados por el juego compulsivo, disponibles en cualquier momento del día o la noche en la Florida a través de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT. Especialistas experimentados están listos para conectarte con las reuniones de apoyo de “GamAnon” para seres queridos de jugadores problemáticos, los Cuadernos de Recuperación para seres queridos del FCCG “A Chance for Change”, el Kit de Deuda Financiera y Presupuesto del FCCG, referencias de consejería de nuestra red de proveedores de tratamiento de adicciones al juego con licencia y certificados, el Programa de Conexión entre Pares del FCCG y mucho más. La ayuda y la esperanza están a solo una llamada o mensaje de texto de distancia.

Aquí hay algunas formas de ayudarte a ti mismo durante este difícil momento:

  • No te culpes a ti mismo: En primer lugar, debes saber que no eres culpable de la adicción de tu ser querido. Protegerte a ti mismo y a tu familia de más dificultades financieras es importante. Necesitas cuidarte y cuidar a tu familia. No tienes control sobre el jugador compulsivo, solo puedes alentarlo a buscar ayuda llamando a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT; esta Línea de Ayuda también puede apoyarte a TI durante estos tiempos desafiantes.
  • Cuídate a ti mismo: Vivir con un jugador compulsivo puede poner una inmensa presión en una relación. Esto puede causar ansiedad, depresión y dolor. Un ser querido puede comer en exceso, beber en exceso o gastar en exceso como reacción al problema, intentando limitar el acceso del jugador al dinero agotando los ahorros, un enfoque destructivo por sí solo. Los seres queridos pueden incluso pensar que, si van a jugar con la persona afectada, pueden controlar mejor la situación, pero esto simplemente no es cierto. Es comprensible que te sientas perdido sobre qué hacer, y eso es natural. Por eso, la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT está lista y dispuesta a conectarte con una amplia gama de recursos que abordan casi todas las situaciones causadas por el juego problemático, todo sin sacrificar tus propias necesidades.
  • Céntrate en tu familia: En casos extremos, el juego compulsivo puede llevar a problemas financieros de emergencia que amenazan las necesidades básicas como la comida y la vivienda, especialmente preocupante cuando hay niños en el hogar. Si ya te encuentras en esta situación o temes estar cerca de ella, comunícate de inmediato con la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT para conectarte con recursos locales de vivienda temporal, bancos de alimentos y otros apoyos financieros de emergencia. Los impactos de la adicción al juego también pueden afectar la salud mental de un niño, ya que él o ella es testigo de discusiones familiares, tensión, violencia familiar o desintegración. Puedes apoyar emocionalmente a tus hijos alentándolos a compartir sus sentimientos cuando estén listos para hacerlo. Asegúrate de que sepan que no son responsables y céntrate en involucrarlos en actividades grupales y en sus pasatiempos favoritos.

Busca apoyo inmediato llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto a la Línea de Ayuda para Problemas de Juego 888-ADMIT-IT, que está disponible las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, es Confidencial, Multilingüe y está atendida por especialistas altamente capacitados. Nunca es demasiado tarde ni demasiado pronto para comenzar tu propia recuperación como ser querido afectado por el juego compulsivo.

[1] “Safety and Protection.” Florida Department of Children and Families, www.myflfamilies.com/services/abuse. Accessed 30 Aug. 2023.

[2] “National Domestic Violence Hotline.” The Hotline, National Domestic Violence Hotline, 27 Apr. 2023, www.thehotline.org/.

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It’s a Matter of Priorities

Putting Bills Into a Machine

Recently in Las Vegas, there was a local pub offering a nice promotion between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. several days a week. Not a great promo and not likely to be repeated, but I’m not interested in providing more details about it than I already have. Suffice it to say it was close enough to where I live and juicy enough that I arranged my sleep schedule so that I was there during the requisite hours most of the days it was offered. 

A friend, “George,” told me about a different play somewhere else. In exchange, I told him about the graveyard shift promo. A lot of players share information on a quid pro quo basis, where we each share information useful to the other, and that was the case here. 

George told me that yes, it was a nice promotion, but that he was seldom out of bed during those hours. His sleep schedule is his business, but that got me to thinking.

Over the decades I’ve been in Vegas, I’ve adjusted my sleep schedule thousands of times to take advantage of a play with profit potential. (They didn’t always turn out to be profitable, of course, but that’s the way gambling goes.) The idea of a “regular sleep schedule” is anathema to me. I can nap any time and be ready to go at any hour, provided I’ve had sufficient warning. I indeed need my sleep like anybody else, but whether it’s at 2 a.m. or 2 p.m. is of little consequence to me. Occasionally I can go 24 hours if need be. Not as often as I used to be able to do it, but it’s still possible.

There’s always location, location, location, of course. I live in Vegas, where there are more than one hundred places to gamble — including small bars — and they all have promotions some of the time. Most of these promotions aren’t interesting to me, but sometimes . . . While it does take a considerable amount of scouting and networking to stay on top of which place is having which promotion when, many of my readers don’t live in or near a casino city — or perhaps only have a few places within easy driving distance.

Showing up somewhere at an odd hour is not so easy for people with regular full-time jobs or other responsibilities. If they have to be present and alert from nine to five (or any other set time), that eliminates the possibility of many plays. Sometimes because they are working at the time a promotion is going on. Sometimes because they need to prepare for later things.

There is also interaction with the regular world. Doctors, manicurists, restaurants, and other establishments are not typically open at 4 a.m. I know of the local markets that are open 24/7. Bonnie doesn’t drive anymore, and I take her places when I can. (She knows how to use Uber and Lyft.) This eliminates some plays, but not others. We also try to schedule our stops efficiently, so we go to places near each other back-to-back.

I think my time flexibility is one of my “secrets to success.” It’s not one of the usual secrets I mention (being able to learn and execute strategies well, obtaining and keeping a bankroll, keeping my welcome in as many places as possible, etc.), but it’s an important one nonetheless. 

Longtime readers and listeners to the former GWAE podcast know that I regularly study health-related information. Some of the doctors I’ve read say a regular sleep schedule is an important part of good health. It’s possible they’re correct. It’s possible that’s just something they do, and they think it’s part of the secret to good health. I’m not sure. But I’m willing to sacrifice that particular technique. The alternative is simply too valuable to pass up.

The fact that my friend George isn’t interested in having a flexible sleep schedule (which is cutting his bankroll short) is up to him. As is his comment, “I don’t like to eat vegetables,” which I think is cutting his life short. I’ll make sure he knows about this article (I’ll send him a “I wrote a blog about you” email) and he can do with it what he wishes. 


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Life is a Gamble Jason Ladanye episode #7

Podcast - Blair Hull episode #4

Jason Ladanye is a professional, award-winning sleight-of-hand entertainer who has performed card magic all around the world for the last twenty years. Prior to magic he was musician who was touring as a keyboard player from the time he was 17, opening for everyone from the Rolling Stones to BB King.

You can reach me at [email protected], or find me on Twitter @RWM21 or @lifeisagamblepod on Threads. If you like the show please tell a friend you think might like it, or if you are really ambitious leave a review wherever you listen.

Podcast – https://www.spreaker.com/user/7418966/jasonledanye


Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQsmxaMzYr76Yd1iqMEq8TA

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cardmagicbyjason/


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Casino de Genting ▶️ Excellent Game Selection & Luxury Amenities

Casino de Genting Amenities

Located in Resorts World Genting, Casino de Genting is perched on the peak of the Titiwangsa Mountains, offering a picturesque view of the surrounding area.

Alongside its first-class gambling facility, the Genting Highlands resort features six hotels, plenty of restaurants, shopping malls, and a theme park, making it a complete hub for visitors of all ages. Read on to learn more about Casino de Genting’s exciting games, dress code, working hours, etc.

Everything You Need to Know About Casino de Genting

Founded in 1971 by Genting Group, Casino de Genting is the only gaming resort in Malaysia. The casino floor spans over 200,000 sq. ft., boasting an extensive selection of slots, table games, and electronic gaming machines.

From classic favourites like blackjack, baccarat, and roulette to modern games like EGT Blackjack, the venue offers endless possibilities for thrill seekers. Here are the main facts about Casino de Genting in Malaysia:

🏢 Foundation 1971
🗺️ Location Genting Hotel, Genting Grand, Genting Highlands Resort, 69000 Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia
☎️ Phone Number +60 3-6101 1118
🎲 Games Slots, Roulette, Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat
🏨️ Accommodation Genting Grand Hotel
🛏 Rooms 745 Rooms, Including Premier Suite, Club Suite, Grand Premier
🧖 Spa Yes
🍴 Restaurants Awana Garden, Burger & Lobster, Cha Chaan Teng, Empire, and more.
🍸 Bars 360 Bar (Genting Club)
🛍️ Shops Shopping Malls, Souvenir Shops, Boutiques, etc.
📅 Events Shows, Events, Cinema, Live Entertainment
🎢 Theme Park Genting SkyWorlds Theme Park
ℹ️ Official Website https://www.rwgenting.com/en/casino/genting-casino.html

In recent years, Casino de Genting in Malaysia has undergone significant expansion and renovation to further enhance the overall guest experience. The addition of new gaming areas, the upgraded facilities, and the introduction of innovative technologies ensures that the property remains at the forefront of the industry, offering the latest in gaming trends and entertainment experiences.

Perched on the peak of Titiwangsa Mountains, Casino de Genting offers a picturesque backdrop that adds to its allure. As the only legal gambling venue in the country, the facility is part of the larger Genting Highlands Resort, known as a hilltop wonderland, that serves as an ideal escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

As Malaysia’s premier gambling destination, Genting Highland Casino attracts visitors from across the globe, seeking the perfect blend of excitement and luxury. Beyond the variety of gaming options, the first-class casino resort features several hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, and a theme park, combined with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Alongside the breathtaking views, luxury amenities, and exquisite dining options, the casino’s high-tech facilities ensure a seamless and immersive gaming experience, while the professional and friendly staff are always on hand to assist and create a warm atmosphere for visitors.

These unique features and the superb variety of games make Casino de Genting a strong competitor of the best online casinos for Malaysians.

Overview of the Amenities at Casino de Genting

Malaysia’s Genting Highland Casino is famous for its first-class amenities and sophisticated atmosphere. The magnificent facility offers its customers a wide range of gambling options that cater to every player’s skill and preference. Like every premier gambling venue, the place provides players with some of the most popular Asian gambling games.

Casino de Genting Games Selection

As we already mentioned above, Casino de Genting is famous for its exquisite facility and premium games. The gambling venue offers more than 3000 slot machines, 400 types of electronic table games, and 30 table games. Additionally, players can enjoy classic favourites like Blackjack, Baccarat, Three-Card Poker, Progressive Texas Hold’em Poker, and various roulette versions.

Casino Game Hall

Alongside the wide range of slot machines, electronic table games, and all-time favourites, customers at Casino de Genting in Malaysia can take advantage of the ETG Blackjack (Blackjack at electronic tables), which offers up to three hands in one game and accepts a low minimum bet starting from only RM10.

For those seeking high-stakes gaming, the International Room at Casino de Genting provides an elite and private gaming experience. With its luxurious ambience and personalised services, the International Room caters to discerning players who crave the utmost privacy and exclusivity. There, they can enjoy baccarat, roulette, and blackjack versions, all played with professional dealers.

Together with the numerous gambling options and the huge potential of gaming and casino industry growth in Malaysia, Genting Highland Casino fully supports responsible gambling and cooperates with various organisations, providing adequate help to prayers with gambling-related issues. Furthermore, the operator strictly follows the gambling laws and regulations in the country.

Casino de Genting Dress Code

The Genting Highland Casino dress code is smart casual. Visitors are asked to be decently dressed before entering the gambling venue. Please note that players are prohibited from wearing flip-flops, beachwear, sunglasses, hats, or face masks on the casino’s premises. Backpacks, knives, firearms, and any type of electronic gadgets are not allowed.

Casino de Genting Entrance

Casino de Genting Roulette

To have the right to gamble at the Malaysia Genting Highland Casino, you must be at or above 21 years old and a non-Malaysian Muslim. Keep in mind that before entering the gambling venue, you will be asked for a valid ID or a driver’s licence to confirm your age and identity. Visitors wearing T-shirts with offensive or political slogans will not be allowed to enter the casino.

Genting Rewards

One of the highlights of Genting Highland Casino is its exclusive Genting Rewards programme. By signing up for membership, players can enjoy a range of benefits and privileges, including discounts on dining, accommodation, and entertainment.

The loyalty programme also offers members the chance to earn points while playing their favourite games, which can be redeemed for exciting rewards and experiences within the resort.

Accommodation & Entertainment

Genting Grand Hotel

Beyond the gaming floor, Casino de Genting offers exquisite accommodation and a wealth of entertainment options. After a thrilling gaming night, guests of the gambling venue can book a room at the Genting Grand Hotel, which guarantees them a luxurious and comfortable stay.

The property offers elegant and classy amenities, which have stood the test of time. All you need to do is choose the type of room that suits you most and book it in advance.

When it comes to dining, the hotel provides its visitors with several options. While at the property, you can enjoy the Lobby Lounge, the Seasons Restaurant, or The Bakery, which will certainly cater to your taste and preferences. Additionally, the Casino de Genting resort offers plenty of other dining options, including a wide range of culinary delights.

As we already mentioned, alongside the diverse culinary selection, the iconic Genting resort offers many entertainment options. The place hosts live performances by internationally acclaimed artists, ranging from concerts and theatrical productions to comedy shows and dance performances.

Additionally, visitors can explore the attractions within the resort complex, such as the Genting Highlands Theme Park, featuring exhilarating rides and family-friendly entertainment.

Things to do in the Area

Genting Highlands

Genting Highlands is a captivating hill resort just an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur. Fondly known as the “City of Entertainment”, Genting Highlands is a popular destination not only for gamblers but also for anyone seeking respite from the sweltering heat of the lowlands.

With its cool climate, breathtaking views, and a plethora of attractions, this mountain retreat offers an unforgettable escape for locals and tourists of all ages. Let’s delve into the top things to do in the area.

  • Genting Highlands Theme Park – Formerly known as Genting Outdoor Theme Park, it has recently undergone significant redevelopment and now boasts the Genting SkyWorlds, a state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor theme park. Packed with thrilling rides, attractions, and themed zones, SkyWorlds promises an exhilarating experience for both kids and adults.
  • Skytropolis Funland – Located within the First World Plaza, the place is an indoor amusement park that guarantees fun for all ages. With over 20 exciting rides and attractions, including a massive indoor roller coaster, bumper cars, and arcade games, this climate-controlled wonderland ensures that visitors can enjoy themselves regardless of the weather outside.
  • Awana Skyway – For awe-inspiring views and a memorable cable car experience, hop on the Awana Skyway. This gondola lift system connects the resort to the Awana Transport Hub and offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains and forests. Whether you’re travelling during the day or in the evening, the ride is a must-do for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts.
  • Chin Swee Caves Temple – Venture beyond the glitz of the resort to find solace at the Chin Swee Caves Temple. Nested on a hill overlooking Genting Highlands, this serene and ornate temple is a palace of tranquillity and spirituality. Marvel at the giant Buddha statue, intricate architecture, and lush gardens while enjoying the cool mountain breeze.
  • Highline Rooftop Market – If you’re a foodie or enjoy shopping for unique souvenirs, head to the Highline Rooftop Market in SkyAvenue. This vibrant market offers a wide range of international and local cuisines, as well as a variety of stalls selling handicrafts, clothing, and other trinkets. It’s an excellent place to immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the resort.
  • Hiking and Nature Walks – Genting Highlands offers several hiking trails and nature walks. The Genting Trail, which starts near the Chin Swee Caves Temple, is a popular choice for a leisurely hike amidst lush greenery and cooling temperatures. The more adventurous visitors can take the challenging hike to Gunung Ulu Kali, a nearby peak that offers stunning vistas.

Genting Highlands offers a mix of entertainment, adventure, and natural beauty. Whether you’re seeking an exciting gambling experience, thrilling rides, serene landscapes, or simply a relaxing getaway, this mountain retreat is a destination that caters to all preferences. Meanwhile, if you want to explore more gambling destinations, check out the top casinos in Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the end of our Casino de Genting review, we included a bonus section with the most frequently asked questions by the gambling venue customers. It includes helpful information about the games, amenities, dress code, and the surrounding area, which has been attracting visitors since the Genting Highland Casino opening.

Who owns Casino de Genting in Malaysia?

Casino de Genting in Malaysia is owned by Genting Group. The gambling venue is part of the famous Resorts World Genting, which is among the most popular entertainment destinations in Malaysia. Due to its beautiful amenities and variety of games, the Genting Highland Casino is a favourite spot for every passionate gambler.

What games does Casino de Genting offer?

Malaysia Genting Highland Casino offers a great selection of games, featuring over 3000 slots, 400 types of electronic table games, and 30 table games. Furthermore, gamblers can play all-time favourites like Baccarat, Blackjack, Progressive Texas Hold’em Poker, Three-Card Poker, and plenty of popular roulette versions.

What type of amenities does Casino de Genting offer?

The Genting Highland Casino offers luxury and sophisticated amenities, which cater to every visitor’s taste and preferences. Located in the iconic Genting Grand Hotel, the gambling venue provides players with a wide range of casino games, first-class premises, and a vibrant atmosphere.

Does Genting Casino in Malaysia have a dress code?

Casino de Genting in Malaysia doesn’t require a formal dress code. The staff advises customers to wear smart casual clothes at the gambling venue, excluding beachwear, flip-flops, as well as hats and glasses that cover the face. Furthermore, backpacks, knives, guns, and shooting devices on the casino’s territory are prohibited.

Does Casino de Genting offer accommodation?

Yes, it does. The Genting Highland Casino in Malaysia offers its customers a first-class accommodation. Since the venue is located in the iconic Genting Grand Hotel, visitors can take advantage of the luxury rooms, restaurants, and spa centre. Additionally, the guests will get an opportunity to enjoy the variety of dining options at the property.


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Examinando el Juego Compulsivo como una Causa Raíz |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio. Lamentablemente, los datos provisionales de 2022 revelaron la cifra más alta de muertes anuales por suicidio registrada. Tras ajustarla por el crecimiento de la población y la edad, la tasa de suicidios ha aumentado en un impactante 16% desde 2011 [1].

El FCCG está creando conciencia sobre la relación con el juego problemático, que tiene la tasa de suicidio más alta entre todas las adicciones. Las estadísticas muestran que 1 de cada 5 jugadores compulsivos intentará el suicidio.

En su llamada a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT, una jugadora compulsiva adicta a las máquinas tragamonedas, informó que comenzó a jugar durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y sabe de varias personas dentro de su comunidad que se han suicidado como resultado del juego desordenado [2].

Primero, ¿por qué están aumentando las tasas de suicidio a nivel nacional? Los expertos aún no han llegado a una conclusión definitiva, pero han señalado la importancia de los síntomas de salud mental durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el aumento de las tensiones financieras (especialmente debido a la creciente inflación) y la dificultad para acceder a la atención de salud mental necesaria [1]. Después del inicio de la pandemia en 2020, el FCCG también destacó sus impactos en los problemas de juego, tal como se observó a través de los contactos con su Línea de Ayuda.

Mas allá de lo que puedan revelar las estadísticas agregadas, el suicidio es una preocupación personal primordial y la ayuda y la esperanza nunca están lejos. Cualquier persona en crisis puede comunicarse con la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio y la Crisis 988, en cualquier momento del día o la noche.

Una Crisis dentro de una Crisis: El Juego Compulsivo como Causa Raíz

Si el juego problemático es un factor, la causa raíz de las ideas suicidas es una crisis por sí sola que requiere atención urgente. Si se ignora, la adicción al juego llevará a la persona una y otra vez a la crisis, ya sea suicida o de otro tipo, a medida que las presiones aumentan y disminuyen. Por eso, la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT ofrece apoyo y recursos dedicados para los floridanos que sufren esta adicción oculta, las 24/7.

La adicción al juego es única en el sentido de que puede salirse rápidamente de control y causar problemas graves en todas las áreas de la vida, incluyendo la financiera, la relacional, la espiritual, la profesional y la emocional. Cuando una persona se ve atrapada en el juego compulsivo, puede perderse a sí misma, sentir que su vida está completamente fuera de control y concluir que no hay salida. Pero la realidad es que esto no podría estar más lejos de la verdad: ¡la recuperación es posible para aquellos con problemas de juego y el tratamiento está disponible! Cada año, miles de personas encuentran ayuda y esperanza a través de la línea de ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT.

El Informe Anual de la Línea de Ayuda del FCCG, reveló aumentos en todas las áreas relacionadas con la salud mental, emocional y doméstica durante el año, lo cual refleja tanto la magnitud como la gravedad de las dificultades experimentadas por los jugadores con problemas de juego. Los datos anónimos recopilados a partir de los contactos con la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT, revelaron niveles más altos de ansiedad (62%), depresión (63%) y trastornos neurológicos (20%) en comparación con el año anterior. Es importante destacar que casi una cuarta parte (24%) informó haber tenido ideas suicidas o intentos previos por parte del jugador, lo cual refleja un aumento del 50% respecto al año anterior. Al examinar los problemas de salud mental, emocional y doméstica en ambos géneros, los contactos con la Línea de Ayuda este año reportaron niveles más altos de dificultades de salud mental y emocional debido al juego experimentado por mujeres, en comparación con los jugadores hombres, tales como ansiedad y depresión. [2]

¿Sabías que todos los Especialistas de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT de la Florida reciben Capacitación en Prevención del Suicidio, tanto anualmente como antes de responder a sus primeros contactos en la Línea de Ayuda?

Si tú o alguien que conoces está experimentando pensamientos suicidas como resultado de la adicción al juego, ten en cuenta que estás en manos profesionales si llamas o envías un mensaje de texto a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT. El suicidio es una respuesta permanente a un problema temporal. Siempre hay una salida a la desesperación que tú o un ser querido puedan sentir.

[1] Saunders, Heather, and Nirmita Panchal. “A Look at the Latest Suicide Data and Change over the Last Decade.” KFF, 21 Aug. 2023, www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/a-look-at-the-latest-suicide-data-and-change-over-the-last-decade/

[2] “2021–2022 24-Hour Problem Gambling Annual HelpLine Report.” Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, February 2023.

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Looking at Problem Gambling as a Root Cause |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Sadly, provisional data for 2022 revealed the highest number of annual deaths by suicide on record. After adjusting for population growth and age, the suicide rate has risen by a shocking 16% since 2011. [1]

FCCG is raising awareness about the relation to disordered gambling, which has the highest suicide rate among all addictions. Statistics show that 1 in 5 compulsive gamblers will attempt suicide.

In her call to the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, an addicted female slot machine gambler reported that she started gambling during the COVID-19 pandemic and knows of several people within her community that have committed suicide as a result of disordered gambling. [2]

First, why are suicide rates increasing nationally? Experts have yet to come to a definitive conclusion but noted the significance of mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic, rising financial stressors (particularly in light of rising inflation), and difficulty in accessing needed mental health care. [1] Following the onset of the pandemic in 2020, FCCG also highlighted its impacts on the issue of problem gambling as observed through contacts to its HelpLine.

Regardless of what the aggregate statistics may reveal, suicide is a personal concern first, and help and hope are never far away. Anyone in crisis can reach the national 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline any time of day or night.

A Crisis within a Crisis: Problem Gambling as the Root Cause

If problem gambling is a factor, the root cause of the suicidal ideation is a crisis of its own which requires urgent attention. If left unaddressed, gambling addiction will lead the individual to back to crisis again and again, whether suicidal or otherwise, as pressures ebb and flow. This is why the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine provides dedicated supports and resources for Floridians suffering from this hidden addiction, 24/7.

Gambling addiction is unique in that it can soar out of control rapidly and cause serious problems in all areas of life, including financial, relational, spiritual, career wise, and emotionally. After compulsive gambling takes hold, the affected individual may at times not recognize him or herself anymore, feel like his or her life is completely out of control, and conclude that there is no way out. The reality is this could not be further from the truth: recovery is possible for disordered gambling, and treatment is available. Thousands find help and hope each year through 888-ADMIT-IT!

The FCCG’s HelpLine Annual Report showed increases across all types of mental health, emotional, and domestic areas during the year, reflecting both the magnitude and severity of difficulties experienced by problem gamblers. Anonymized data collected from 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine contacts revealed higher levels of anxiety (62%), depression (63%), and neurological disorders (20%) compared with the previous year. [2] Of significant note is that almost one-quarter (24%) disclosed suicidal ideations or attempts by the gambler, reflecting a 50% increase from the previous year. When examining mental health, emotional, and domestic problems across genders, HelpLine contacts this year reported higher levels of mental health and emotional difficulties due to gambling experienced by female gamblers, when compared to male gamblers, such as anxiety and depression. [2]

Did you know? All Florida 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Specialists complete Suicide Prevention Training, both annually, as well as prior to responding to their first contacts on the HelpLine.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts as a result of gambling addiction, know you are in professional hands if you call or text the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. Suicide is a permanent response to a temporary problem. There is always a way out of the hopelessness you or a loved one may feel.

[1] Saunders, Heather, and Nirmita Panchal. “A Look at the Latest Suicide Data and Change over the Last Decade.” KFF, 21 Aug. 2023, www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/a-look-at-the-latest-suicide-data-and-change-over-the-last-decade/

[2]“2021–2022 24-Hour Problem Gambling Annual HelpLine Report.” Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, February 2023.

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