Examinando el Juego Compulsivo como una Causa Raíz |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio. Lamentablemente, los datos provisionales de 2022 revelaron la cifra más alta de muertes anuales por suicidio registrada. Tras ajustarla por el crecimiento de la población y la edad, la tasa de suicidios ha aumentado en un impactante 16% desde 2011 [1].

El FCCG está creando conciencia sobre la relación con el juego problemático, que tiene la tasa de suicidio más alta entre todas las adicciones. Las estadísticas muestran que 1 de cada 5 jugadores compulsivos intentará el suicidio.

En su llamada a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT, una jugadora compulsiva adicta a las máquinas tragamonedas, informó que comenzó a jugar durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y sabe de varias personas dentro de su comunidad que se han suicidado como resultado del juego desordenado [2].

Primero, ¿por qué están aumentando las tasas de suicidio a nivel nacional? Los expertos aún no han llegado a una conclusión definitiva, pero han señalado la importancia de los síntomas de salud mental durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el aumento de las tensiones financieras (especialmente debido a la creciente inflación) y la dificultad para acceder a la atención de salud mental necesaria [1]. Después del inicio de la pandemia en 2020, el FCCG también destacó sus impactos en los problemas de juego, tal como se observó a través de los contactos con su Línea de Ayuda.

Mas allá de lo que puedan revelar las estadísticas agregadas, el suicidio es una preocupación personal primordial y la ayuda y la esperanza nunca están lejos. Cualquier persona en crisis puede comunicarse con la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio y la Crisis 988, en cualquier momento del día o la noche.

Una Crisis dentro de una Crisis: El Juego Compulsivo como Causa Raíz

Si el juego problemático es un factor, la causa raíz de las ideas suicidas es una crisis por sí sola que requiere atención urgente. Si se ignora, la adicción al juego llevará a la persona una y otra vez a la crisis, ya sea suicida o de otro tipo, a medida que las presiones aumentan y disminuyen. Por eso, la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT ofrece apoyo y recursos dedicados para los floridanos que sufren esta adicción oculta, las 24/7.

La adicción al juego es única en el sentido de que puede salirse rápidamente de control y causar problemas graves en todas las áreas de la vida, incluyendo la financiera, la relacional, la espiritual, la profesional y la emocional. Cuando una persona se ve atrapada en el juego compulsivo, puede perderse a sí misma, sentir que su vida está completamente fuera de control y concluir que no hay salida. Pero la realidad es que esto no podría estar más lejos de la verdad: ¡la recuperación es posible para aquellos con problemas de juego y el tratamiento está disponible! Cada año, miles de personas encuentran ayuda y esperanza a través de la línea de ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT.

El Informe Anual de la Línea de Ayuda del FCCG, reveló aumentos en todas las áreas relacionadas con la salud mental, emocional y doméstica durante el año, lo cual refleja tanto la magnitud como la gravedad de las dificultades experimentadas por los jugadores con problemas de juego. Los datos anónimos recopilados a partir de los contactos con la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT, revelaron niveles más altos de ansiedad (62%), depresión (63%) y trastornos neurológicos (20%) en comparación con el año anterior. Es importante destacar que casi una cuarta parte (24%) informó haber tenido ideas suicidas o intentos previos por parte del jugador, lo cual refleja un aumento del 50% respecto al año anterior. Al examinar los problemas de salud mental, emocional y doméstica en ambos géneros, los contactos con la Línea de Ayuda este año reportaron niveles más altos de dificultades de salud mental y emocional debido al juego experimentado por mujeres, en comparación con los jugadores hombres, tales como ansiedad y depresión. [2]

¿Sabías que todos los Especialistas de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT de la Florida reciben Capacitación en Prevención del Suicidio, tanto anualmente como antes de responder a sus primeros contactos en la Línea de Ayuda?

Si tú o alguien que conoces está experimentando pensamientos suicidas como resultado de la adicción al juego, ten en cuenta que estás en manos profesionales si llamas o envías un mensaje de texto a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT. El suicidio es una respuesta permanente a un problema temporal. Siempre hay una salida a la desesperación que tú o un ser querido puedan sentir.

[1] Saunders, Heather, and Nirmita Panchal. “A Look at the Latest Suicide Data and Change over the Last Decade.” KFF, 21 Aug. 2023, www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/a-look-at-the-latest-suicide-data-and-change-over-the-last-decade/

[2] “2021–2022 24-Hour Problem Gambling Annual HelpLine Report.” Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, February 2023.

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Looking at Problem Gambling as a Root Cause |

Triple Corona y Los Apostadores en Recuperación

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Sadly, provisional data for 2022 revealed the highest number of annual deaths by suicide on record. After adjusting for population growth and age, the suicide rate has risen by a shocking 16% since 2011. [1]

FCCG is raising awareness about the relation to disordered gambling, which has the highest suicide rate among all addictions. Statistics show that 1 in 5 compulsive gamblers will attempt suicide.

In her call to the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, an addicted female slot machine gambler reported that she started gambling during the COVID-19 pandemic and knows of several people within her community that have committed suicide as a result of disordered gambling. [2]

First, why are suicide rates increasing nationally? Experts have yet to come to a definitive conclusion but noted the significance of mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic, rising financial stressors (particularly in light of rising inflation), and difficulty in accessing needed mental health care. [1] Following the onset of the pandemic in 2020, FCCG also highlighted its impacts on the issue of problem gambling as observed through contacts to its HelpLine.

Regardless of what the aggregate statistics may reveal, suicide is a personal concern first, and help and hope are never far away. Anyone in crisis can reach the national 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline any time of day or night.

A Crisis within a Crisis: Problem Gambling as the Root Cause

If problem gambling is a factor, the root cause of the suicidal ideation is a crisis of its own which requires urgent attention. If left unaddressed, gambling addiction will lead the individual to back to crisis again and again, whether suicidal or otherwise, as pressures ebb and flow. This is why the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine provides dedicated supports and resources for Floridians suffering from this hidden addiction, 24/7.

Gambling addiction is unique in that it can soar out of control rapidly and cause serious problems in all areas of life, including financial, relational, spiritual, career wise, and emotionally. After compulsive gambling takes hold, the affected individual may at times not recognize him or herself anymore, feel like his or her life is completely out of control, and conclude that there is no way out. The reality is this could not be further from the truth: recovery is possible for disordered gambling, and treatment is available. Thousands find help and hope each year through 888-ADMIT-IT!

The FCCG’s HelpLine Annual Report showed increases across all types of mental health, emotional, and domestic areas during the year, reflecting both the magnitude and severity of difficulties experienced by problem gamblers. Anonymized data collected from 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine contacts revealed higher levels of anxiety (62%), depression (63%), and neurological disorders (20%) compared with the previous year. [2] Of significant note is that almost one-quarter (24%) disclosed suicidal ideations or attempts by the gambler, reflecting a 50% increase from the previous year. When examining mental health, emotional, and domestic problems across genders, HelpLine contacts this year reported higher levels of mental health and emotional difficulties due to gambling experienced by female gamblers, when compared to male gamblers, such as anxiety and depression. [2]

Did you know? All Florida 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Specialists complete Suicide Prevention Training, both annually, as well as prior to responding to their first contacts on the HelpLine.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts as a result of gambling addiction, know you are in professional hands if you call or text the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. Suicide is a permanent response to a temporary problem. There is always a way out of the hopelessness you or a loved one may feel.

[1] Saunders, Heather, and Nirmita Panchal. “A Look at the Latest Suicide Data and Change over the Last Decade.” KFF, 21 Aug. 2023, www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/a-look-at-the-latest-suicide-data-and-change-over-the-last-decade/

[2]“2021–2022 24-Hour Problem Gambling Annual HelpLine Report.” Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, February 2023.

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6 Most Popular Baccarat Variations

Baccarat Variations

Ever noticed how baccarat seems to be everywhere in the casino world, online or offline? It’s no surprise, given its easy-to-grasp rules, making it perfect for both pros and beginners. Plus, with a lower house edge than most casino games, it’s a top choice for many. Ready to dive deep into baccarat variations? Let’s go!

How many versions of Baccarat are there?

There are quite a few versions. In most cases, we have three main versions. These are:

  • Punto Banco – The default Baccarat game that most Baccarat tables use.
  • Chemin de Fer – Players take turns as the Banker, also known as European Roulette.
  • Baccarat Banque – The Banker is chosen at the start of every turn, and there are two Baccarat tables.
  • Mini Baccarat – A simplified version of the classic casino card game Baccarat, played with lower betting limits and a faster pace.
  • European Baccarat – Players bet on whether the player or the banker will have a higher hand total, aiming for a total closest to 9.
  • Dragon Tiger – A fast-paced card game where players bet on which hand, Dragon or Tiger, will have the higher card, with a possibility of a Tie bet as well.

There are many other game versions, but we’ll mainly focus on the three above since they are the most popular. You’ll likely see more different versions of Baccarat, but, for the most part, they won’t differ much from these three.

Punto Banco

Punto banco table

Punto Banco is among the most popular baccarat variations, resembling Classic Baccarat. Played with six standard 52-card decks, players can bet on either the Banker or the Player, or predict a Tie, meaning both hands will have equal value. After placing bets, cards are dealt and values are calculated.

Tip: You can’t change your mind once a bet is placed! So choose wisely!

In Punto Banco, the banker deals a card to both the player and the bank twice in the initial round. After these cards are dealt, their combined value determines if a third card is needed. It’s worth noting that betting on the Banker gives you the best odds, as the house advantage is lowest there. Conversely, betting on a Tie isn’t recommended due to the significantly higher house edge.

To ensure you’re on the same page with Baccarat rules, we suggest reviewing our comprehensive blog on how to play Baccarat before continuing with this guide.

Chemin de Fer

Baccarat variation Chemin de Fer

The original Baccarat game. Chemin de Fer (Chemmy) originated in France and slightly differs from Punto Banco. The Biggest difference between the two games is that players can take on the role of Banker. When a match starts, the Banker is chosen, and that player remains as the Banker until he or she loses a game. Moreover, the Banker deals with all the winnings and losses during the round, which is precisely why the role changes after each Banker’s loss.

Other players can only bet on the Player. When a round begins, everyone shuffles the cards in order starting from the dealer. Once the dealer shuffles the cards, he/she passes them to the player on the right, who does the same thing. This continues until everyone has shuffled the cards.

Chemin de Fer is a bit more involved than Punto Banco but nowhere near as involved as other casino table games like Blackjack. A game of Chemmy doesn’t take long but is significantly slower than Punto Banco, which is probably why the latter is more popular. Still, the rules are mostly the same, and the best have the same payout, odds, and house edge.

Chemin de Fer is played on an oval-shaped table so players can always face each other while the dealer can quickly deal the cards for everyone to see.

Baccarat Banque

Baccarat Banque

Baccarat Banque is an excellent combination of Chemin de Fer and Punto Banco. Players take turns begging the Banker, but the Banker doesn’t have to cover the other players’ winnings. Also, the role of the Banker changes after every turn.

Players can place either a Player or a Banker bet which is great, but winning Banker bets still require a 5% commission. The Baccarat Banque table is remarkably similar to the Punto Banco table.


Mini Baccarat

This is essentially Punto Banco, apart from two key differences. The first one is that the Mini-Baccarat table can seat fewer players. The second difference is that the minimum wager is usually much lower than regular Punto Banco tables.

Because of the lower bets, many casual players enjoy spending time at Mini-Baccarat tables. However, because mini-baccarat is similar to Punto Banco, many don’t even bother changing the name and just call it Punto Banco with low minimum wagering.

European Baccarat

Chemin de Fer may be mistaken for European Baccarat, and there’s a good reason why. The games play the same, except for one key difference. The Banker and the Player(s) can decide whether or not they want to stay or hit during the third card.

Usually, there are rules that everyone has to follow during the drawing of the third card, but in European Baccarat, players get the ability to choose. Also, at some European Baccarat games, Banker Bets pay 1 to 1 without the 5% commission, also known as EZ Baccarat.

Dragon Tiger

Dragon Tiger is a streamlined version of baccarat, offering a fast-paced gaming experience. In this game, two sides – Dragon and Tiger – are dealt one card each. Players must predict which side will receive the higher card value. If both the Dragon and Tiger are dealt cards of the same value, the round results in a tie. In such cases, the house claims half of the players’ bets.

Key betting options include:

  • Dragon: Betting on the Dragon side to have the higher card.
  • Tiger: Betting on the Tiger side to have the higher card.
  • Tie: Predicting that both sides will have cards of equal value. It’s essential to note that while the tie bet can be tempting, it has a high house edge of 32.7%, making it a riskier choice.

Additional betting variations:

  • Big: This bet wins if the selected side (Dragon or Tiger) receives a card value over 7.
  • Small: Wins if the chosen side gets a card value under 7. The bet loses if the card dealt is precisely 7 for both Big and Small bets. These bets come with a house edge of 13.98%.

Depending on the specific Dragon Tiger game variation, players can explore other side bets like Red/Black, Odd/Even, and more. However, players should approach side bets cautiously, as they often favor the casino more. The standard Dragon/Tiger bet is advisable for those seeking the best odds, offering a lower house edge of 3.73%.

Which version of Baccarat should you play?

You can’t go wrong with any of the versions mentioned above. No matter which Baccarat variation you choose, this is still the same old, straightforward, and relaxing game.

  • If you like to shuffle cards, go for Chemmy (Chemin de Fer)
  • If you want to keep it casual, try Mini Baccarat.
  • If you want the best of both worlds, check out Baccarat Banque.

Most of the time, especially if you are playing at online casinos, you will end up with Punto Banco because it is the most preferred way to play the classic Baccarat game. If you are ready to hit the game, check out our list of Bitcoin Baccarat sites and choose your favorite.

Regardless of your chosen version, remember that Baccarat is all about luck, not skill. Bet on the Banker, find a betting strategy and enjoy this classic Casino game.

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