WEB LETTER: High-Risk College Students a Concern Amid Rising Sports Betting Access

[IMAGE] June 2024 Web Letter

Did you know that college students are at a higher risk for the development of gambling addiction? In 2008, the FCCG’s Florida college student gambling and problem gambling prevalence study found that an alarming 14.5% were at risk for gambling problems (compared with 7.1% of the Florida adult population) while 2.7% met the criteria for problem gambling – about twice the number found among adults!

A lot has changed since then. In 2023, the NCAA performed a nationwide survey of 18- to 22-year-old young adults, including both college students and those not attending college.

Read the June Web Letter to learn what the survey found about how problem gambling is impacting college students and the resources available to Floridians through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for anyone impacted.

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WEB LETTER: Shine the Light on Problem Gambling During National Women’s Health Week

[IMAGE] WEB LETTER: Shine the Light on Problem Gambling During National Women’s Health Week

National Women’s Health Week, which began on Mother’s Day and this year runs May 12-18, 2024, was officially established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 1999 to promote a better understanding of women’s health issues among women of all ages.[1] This is a great time to shine the light on how problem gambling impacts women, both as gamblers and as loved ones.

How are you today? Even asking this simple question can make a difference with health issues that may not be easily observable on the outside, such as problem gambling. By opening up a conversation that is a little deeper, it can become very healing for either person. Sometimes, we just need to speak our thoughts aloud and be heard. This is especially true if you have found yourself gambling more and more as an escape from negative emotions, work, children and family stress, and even financial stress. For some, gambling can progress from an escape from life stressors into an addiction.

Read the May Web Letter to learn how and why women can develop gambling problems and the resources available to Floridians through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for anyone impacted.

[1] “National Women’s Health Week.” Holiday Calendar – National Women’s Health Week, www.holidaycalendar.io/holiday/national-womens-health-week. Accessed 15 Apr. 2024

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How Disordered Gambling Impacts 8 Major Life Areas and How to Prevent a Relapse During the Triple Crown

Cómo el Juego Desordenado Afecta 8 Áreas Importantes de la Vida y Cómo Prevenir una Recaída Durante la Triple Corona

Have you been lying to someone about your gambling? Are you worried someone has been lying to you about his or her gambling? When gambling gets out of hand and you feel like you are spinning out of control, contacting the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is the best way to find hope and resources for recovery in Florida – for both gamblers and impacted loved ones. You can call, text, or open a live chat on gamblinghelp.org to reach out for help and support. The HelpLine is available 24/7, 365 days a year, and you’ll always be connected with a live person.

There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, it is the most power you can have when dealing with disordered gambling or any other addiction. Once you have taken the first step of asking for help, then change will follow. In other words, the first step to recovery from problem gambling is to admit it. This is true no matter where you are in the stages of change. Disordered gambling is a progressive disease, meaning even if you were to stop for a week, month, or a year, if you start again, you will immediately be right back at the same place you were when you stopped. You can never go back to that first high. 

Stages of Change: 

  1. Pre-contemplation 
  2. Contemplation 
  3. Preparation 
  4. Action 
  5. Maintenance 

Now that you realize there is a problem and have seen how it has affected so many areas in your life, let’s take a look at how you can tackle them one by one. It can be done, and you don’t have to do it alone. The HelpLine can connect you with the FCCG’s A Chance for Change Recovery Workbooks, Gamblers Anonymous or Gam-Anon Self-Help Support Groups, the Peer Connect Program and Counseling from Florida’s only network of treatment providers certified for disordered gambling. Check out the Resources section on gamblinghelp.org to learn more about all the HelpLine has to offer.

Here are the eight areas for you to explore, honestly, with yourself to see what damage problem gambling has done. First, you will want to list the most important areas in order, then set your goals to take steps to change them. A characteristic of anyone prone to any addiction is instant gratification – and none more so than gambling. It may be a challenge to get used to accepting small successes in the beginning, which will lead to greater change for your better future. You will build your confidence with each successful small step! 

  1. Family/Relationships 
  2. Social 
  3. Legal 
  4. Physical 
  5. Financial 
  6. Spiritual 
  7. Emotional 
  8. Occupational 

In order for any goal to be successful, it has to be reasonably attainable and measurable. Otherwise, how will you know you are changing? 

Here is an example; let’s start with Financial

  1. Describe the problem: “I have creditors calling about my credit card debts, wanting money, and I can’t pay them all. I am afraid to return their calls.” 
  2. Goal: To start a payment plan to pay off debts over time. 
  3. First small step to change: “I will sit down this Sunday and go through all the bills stacking up for months, that I have been avoiding and am afraid to look at. I will sift through them and only keep the most current bill from each company.” Important: If you think this will be too emotionally overwhelming and could cause a relapse, ask someone you trust to help you through this step. 
  4. Second small step to change: “I will use the free Financial Debt & Budgeting Toolkit from my call to 888-ADMIT-IT to help me organize all my bills and assets together with all incoming and outgoing financial information. I will call one creditor at a time to set up a payment plan.” Important: Continue this one bill at a time, paying off the highest one first. Then, you can pay more towards the next and onward. 

Now use this example to work through all the areas above you think are negatively affected by your gambling. Ask for help! 

The Triple Crown, Sports Betting, and Relapse 

It’s that time of year again. The Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing begins on May 4, 2024, with the famed Kentucky Derby, followed by the Preakness Stakes on May 18th and the Belmont Stakes on June 8th. If you are in recovery for problem gambling, you have to be proactive to prevent giving in to the temptation to bet on these hyped events. It is a time to be vigilant with all of your recovery tools, and to remember that the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is standing by every step of the way.  

This message isn’t just for those in recovery. If you are concerned about gambling or are not sure whether it has become a problem for yourself or a loved one, do not hesitate to reach out to the HelpLine for free, 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual support. There are no prerequisites to contacting 888-ADMIT-IT. Learn about all the ways to get in touch. 

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Cómo el Juego Desordenado Afecta 8 Áreas Importantes de la Vida y Cómo Prevenir una Recaída Durante la Triple Corona

Cómo el Juego Desordenado Afecta 8 Áreas Importantes de la Vida y Cómo Prevenir una Recaída Durante la Triple Corona

¿Has estado mintiéndo a alguien sobre tu juego? ¿Estás preocupado de que alguien te haya estado mintiendo sobre su juego? Cuando el juego se sale de control y sientes que estás perdiendo el control, contactar a la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT es la mejor manera de encontrar esperanza y recursos para la recuperación en Florida, tanto para los jugadores como para los seres queridos afectados. Puedes llamar, enviar un mensaje de texto o abrir un chat en vivo en gamblinghelp.org para pedir ayuda y apoyo. La Línea de Ayuda está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año, y siempre estarás conectado con una persona en vivo. 

No hay vergüenza en pedir ayuda. De hecho, es el poder más grande que puedes tener al lidiar con el juego desordenado o cualquier otra adicción. Una vez que hayas dado el primer paso de pedir ayuda, el cambio seguirá. En otras palabras, el primer paso para la recuperación del juego problemático es admitirlo. Esto es cierto sin importar en qué etapa de cambio te encuentres. El juego desordenado es una enfermedad progresiva, lo que significa que incluso si dejaras de jugar por una semana, un mes o un año, si vuelves a empezar, volverás inmediatamente al mismo lugar en el que estabas cuando dejaste de jugar. Nunca podrás volver a esa euforia. 

Etapas del cambio: 

  1. Precontemplación
  2. Contemplación
  3. Preparación
  4. Acción
  5. Mantenimiento

Ahora que te das cuenta de que hay un problema y has visto cómo ha afectado tantas áreas de tu vida, veamos cómo puedes abordarlas una por una. Se puede hacer, y no tienes que hacerlo solo. La Línea de Ayuda puede conectarte con los Cuadernos de Recuperación A Chance for Change de FCCG, Grupos de Apoyo de Jugadores Anónimos o Gam-Anon, el Programa de Conexión entre Pares y Consejería de la única red de proveedores de tratamiento certificados para el juego desordenado en Florida. Consulta la sección de Recursos en gamblinghelp.org para obtener más información sobre todo lo que la Línea de Ayuda tiene para ofrecer. 

Aquí están las ocho áreas para que las explores, honestamente, contigo mismo para ver qué daño ha causado el juego problemático. Primero, querrás listar las áreas más importantes en orden, luego establecer tus objetivos para tomar medidas para cambiarlas. Una característica de cualquier persona propensa a cualquier adicción es la gratificación instantánea, y ninguna más que el juego. Puede ser un desafío acostumbrarse a aceptar pequeños éxitos al principio, lo que llevará a un cambio mayor para tu futuro mejor. ¡Con cada pequeño éxito exitoso, aumentarás tu confianza! 

  1. Familia/Relaciones
  2. Social
  3. Legal
  4. Físico
  5. Financiero
  6. Espiritual
  7. Emocional
  8. Laboral

Para que cualquier objetivo sea exitoso, tiene que ser razonablemente alcanzable y medible. De lo contrario, ¿cómo sabrás que estás cambiando? 

Aquí tienes un ejemplo; empecemos con el Financiero

  1. Describe el problema: “Los acreedores me llaman sobre mis deudas de tarjetas de crédito, quieren dinero y no puedo pagarlos a todos. Tengo miedo de devolverles las llamadas.” 
  1. Objetivo: Comenzar un plan de pago para saldar las deudas con el tiempo. 
  1. Primer pequeño paso para el cambio: “Me sentaré este domingo y revisaré todas las facturas que se han acumulado durante meses, que he estado evitando y tengo miedo de mirar. Las revisaré y solo conservaré la factura más reciente de cada empresa.” Importante: Si crees que esto será demasiado abrumador emocionalmente y podría causar una recaída, pídele ayuda a alguien en quien confíes para que te ayude en este paso. 
  1. Segundo pequeño paso para el cambio: “Usaré el Kit de Herramientas de Deuda y Presupuesto Financiero gratuito de mi llamada al 888-ADMIT-IT para ayudarme a organizar todas mis facturas y activos junto con toda la información financiera entrante y saliente. Llamaré a un acreedor a la vez para establecer un plan de pago.” Importante: Continúa con una factura a la vez, pagando primero la más alta. Luego, puedes pagar más hacia la siguiente y así sucesivamente. 

Ahora usa este ejemplo para trabajar a través de todas las áreas mencionadas anteriormente que creas que están afectadas negativamente por tu juego. ¡Pide ayuda! 

La Triple Corona, las Apuestas Deportivas y la Recaída 

Es esa época del año nuevamente. La Triple Corona de Carreras de Purasangre comienza el 4 de mayo de 2024, con el famoso Kentucky Derby, seguido por el Preakness Stakes el 18 de mayo y el Belmont Stakes el 8 de junio. Si estás en recuperación por el juego problemático, debes ser proactivo para evitar ceder a la tentación de apostar en estos eventos tan publicitados. Es un momento para estar vigilante con todas tus herramientas de recuperación y recordar que la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT está disponible en cada paso del camino. 

Este mensaje no es solo para aquellos en recuperación. Si te preocupa el juego o no estás seguro de si se ha convertido en un problema para ti o para un ser querido, no dudes en comunicarte con la Línea de Ayuda para obtener apoyo gratuito, confidencial y multilingüe las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. No hay requisitos previos para contactar a 888-ADMIT-IT. Aprende sobre todas las formas de ponerte en contacto. 

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Cómo Establecer Metas Realistas para Tener Éxito en la Recuperación del Juego Problemático

How to Set Realistic Goals for Success in Problem Gambling Recovery

Si estás considerando que tu juego puede estar fuera de control, aquí hay algo que debes tener en cuenta: ¿de qué manera te satisface el juego? Muchos jugadores comienzan a jugar por diversión, como una forma de socializar con otros, mientras que algunos dicen que es “para ganar dinero”. El juego problemático puede comenzar cuando alguien piensa que es una buena forma de escapar de la vida y sus tensiones, o que resolverá todos sus problemas con una sola “gran victoria”. Esto es frecuentemente donde el juego cruza la línea hacia el juego desordenado. Es cuando el juego ya no es divertido. Puede ser una necesidad de escapar de otros problemas en la vida de uno, un deseo compulsivo de una victoria que nunca se logrará, no importa cuánto tiempo o dinero gaste el jugador. 

Si sientes que puedes haber llegado a este punto en tu experiencia de juego, entonces ahora es un buen momento para comunicarte con alguien que conozca tu situación. Alguien que esté disponible al otro lado del teléfono las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para ayudarte y apoyarte. En Florida, esta conexión con el apoyo al juego problemático se puede encontrar las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, enviando un mensaje de texto o llamando a la línea de ayuda confidencial y multilingüe 888-ADMIT-IT.  

Exploraremos tu juego de esta manera; ¿qué necesidad satisfizo el juego para ti al principio? ¿Sigue siendo válida esta razón para ti hoy? Pregúntate por qué lo hace o por qué no te da el resultado que solía darte. Explora cómo han cambiado tus pensamientos y comportamientos de juego con el tiempo. Cuando intentes detener la locura y bajarte del tren del juego problemático, primero necesitas entender qué es lo que te gusta de él. ¿Qué te satisface que nada más puede darte? Una de las principales formas es que el juego compulsivo ayuda a alguien a escapar de algo incómodo en sus vidas, de la misma manera que el consumo de alcohol o drogas. Una vez que se comprende esto, entonces puedes encontrar formas de poner estas áreas en orden y llenar ese vacío con algo más. 

Echemos un vistazo a algunos factores estresantes en la vida de los que podrías estar tratando de escapar:  

  • Responsabilidades 
  • Una mala relación  
  • Dolor físico 
  • Dolor emocional 
  • Un trabajo estresante 
  • Soledad 
  • Consecuencias financieras 
  • Consecuencias legales  
  • Trauma pasado 

Comienza desde el principio respondiendo a la pregunta de cuál era el beneficio de tu juego. ¿El juego todavía tiene el mismo efecto para ti? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no? Y por último, ¿qué crees que sucedió para cambiar esto para ti? Si pensabas que el juego estaba solucionando algo en tu vida, ¿qué era? ¿Tuvo éxito? ¿Todavía lo tiene? 

“La mejor manera de escapar de un problema es resolverlo.”  

– Alan Saporta

Hay 8 impactos principales en la vida de la adicción: 

  1. Familiar 
  2. Social 
  3. Legal
  4. Físico 
  5. Financiero
  6. Espiritual
  7. Emocional
  8. Laboral 

Para trabajar en cada área mencionada anteriormente, debes explorar cada una individualmente. Establecer metas es la mejor manera de comenzar a hacer cambios, dando un paso a la vez. Al establecer metas, es importante hacerlas realistas desde donde te encuentras hoy, considerando todos los pequeños pasos que necesitas dar antes de obtener los resultados futuros que deseas. Al dar pequeños pasos, puedes ser y sentirte más exitoso y estar dispuesto a dar el siguiente pequeño paso. No hay una solución rápida para ninguno de estos problemas. Especialmente con el juego problemático, el riesgo de recaída es alto durante la recuperación. ¡Ten cuidado de sabotear tus propios esfuerzos actuando según las necesidades de gratificación inmediata, eso es la adicción hablando!

Para que una meta sea exitosa, debe ser específica, razonablemente alcanzable y medible.

Una vez que hayas encontrado algo de confianza en tener éxito con estos pequeños pasos hacia una meta, te resultará más fácil seguir cambiando para mejor. La pregunta es ¿cómo sabes cuándo has alcanzado la meta? Veamos un ejemplo con problemas financieros, y puedes trabajar a través de las áreas mencionadas anteriormente en las que necesitas trabajar. 

Ejemplo: Establecimiento de metas para problemas financieros 

  1. Describe el problema; “Tengo acreedores llamando sobre mis deudas de tarjetas de crédito, queriendo dinero. No puedo pagarles a todos, así que no pagaré a ninguno. Me da miedo llamarlos.”
  2. Meta: Iniciar un plan de pago para pagar las deudas con el tiempo.
  3. Primer paso pequeño para el cambio: “Llamaré ahora mismo a la línea de ayuda para el juego problemático 888-ADMIT-IT las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para hablar con alguien que conozca la situación en la que me encuentro, quien me conectará con recursos gratuitos que pueden ayudar con problemas financieros y otros. No tengo que preocuparme por hablar con un especialista de la línea de ayuda, porque la conversación es 100% confidencial y sin prejuicios.”
  4. Segundo paso pequeño para el cambio: “Me sentaré el próximo domingo y revisaré todas las facturas que he estado arrojando a un rincón, temiendo mirarlas. Encontraré la factura más reciente para cada cuenta y tiraré el resto. Si crees que esto será demasiado abrumador emocionalmente para ti, encuentra a alguien en quien confíes para que esté contigo. Esto es importante, para que el desafío de la recuperación en sí misma no te lleve a una recaída.” 
  5. Tercer paso pequeño para el cambio: “Usaré el cuaderno de trabajo financiero y la Herramienta de Presupuesto de A Chance for Change que obtuve gratis de 888-ADMIT-IT para organizar todas mis facturas y toda la información financiera entrante y saliente. Luego, llamaré a un acreedor para establecer un plan de pago mensual”. Al hablar con ellos, sé realista con lo que realmente puedes enviarles. Continúa este proceso, una factura a la vez, ¡y mantente firme! Paga una y luego otra. A medida que avanzas, puedes trabajar hacia pagos más grandes. Puedes hacerlo funcionar si avanzas lentamente y das un paso pequeño a la vez. 

Ahora elige otra área en la que te gustaría trabajar, escribe una meta pequeña y trabaja en ella con cada una de estas áreas de tu vida que necesitan cambio. 

¿No sabes por dónde empezar? Llama o envía un mensaje de texto a 888-ADMIT-IT. 

La serie de Cuadernos de Recuperación “A Chance for Change” del Consejo de Juego Compulsivo de Florida (FCCG) examina de cerca cómo las personas pueden escapar de las garras del juego compulsivo creando y manteniendo un plan para un cambio positivo y enfrentando problemas de relación, problemas financieros, problemas legales y los muchos otros impactos. Esta es solo una de las cientos de recursos gratuitos para el juego problemático que están a solo una llamada o mensaje de texto de distancia en Florida: 888-ADMIT-IT. ¡Comienza hoy y toma el control de tu vida! 

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Keeping Values and Beliefs Intact is Important When Living with Disordered Gambling

Mantener Intactos los Valores y Creencias es Importante al Vivir con Juego Problemático

If you are living with someone suffering from problem gambling, you may have found you have lost a piece of yourself in the relationship. You may have given up some important values and beliefs in order to make your life easier and even to allow the disorder to continue without knowing it.  

Many people have never sat down and identified their core values and beliefs. We have never contemplated what is important to us. Knowing the difference between a value and a belief is important, too! This is what we will explore together in this blog.  

What is a Value? 

A value is that which is desirable or worthy of esteem for its own sake; a thing or quality having intrinsic worth. (Intrinsic meaning from inside ourselves.) 

Values are a fundamental resource that we have to guide our lives and the decisions we make. Values come from deep inside ourselves. They make us who we are, what we believe in, and how we act. They determine how we want to live our lives. They give us purpose and direction for the way we behave in this world, with ourselves and those around us. Along the way, we may acquire new values or abandon some values we no longer believe important. This type of change can also affect our belief systems. Values are what helps us to make the right choices in life. Some of our values are formulated at a very young age and most probably were influenced by our parents or other elders in our lives. These types of values are called Core Values

  • Honesty 
  • Dependability 
  • Empathy 
  • Trust 
  • Responsibility 
  • Consistently 
  • Equality 
  • Ethics 
  • Diversity 
  • Social Responsibility 
  • Respect 
  • Truth 
  • Justice 
  • Integrity 
  • Tolerance 
  • Reliability 

Take a look at some of these values. Do you see how you may have had some values that you have lost because of problem gambling? Do any of the values above fill in the blanks for you? If you find you have lost some along the way in order to make life easier living with a problem gambler, how do you think you could get that value back? 

“Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of value.”

Albert Einstein

What is a Belief?

A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. The important distinction here is that a belief is NOT a fact – and is NOT necessarily true – but the holder of the belief has accepted it as such. 

Beliefs are a little different from values. Beliefs are deeply rooted assumptions about your life. They unknowingly affect your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. There are 3 types of core beliefs starting with beliefs about yourself, beliefs about others, and beliefs about the world around you. These beliefs, much like values, we learn when young by watching our parents or other elders. Think about what you say about yourself and to yourself like: “I am not worthy of love and respect.” That can be a belief, although it will never be true! These thoughts shape our behaviors driven by emotions.  

Think of it this way: I have a belief, and if I have that belief then I have a resulting behavior, and I end up with either positive or negative results from that behavior. For example:  

  • Belief: As a loved one of a problem gambler, a belief of yours may be: “If I go and gamble with him/her, I can control the money and time spent.”  
  • Behavior: Your belief will result in you joining him/her in gambling and attempting to control the time and money spent.  
  • Result: You end up in a heated argument with the gambler instead, which may even result in more gambling! 

In this example, the belief leads to a negative result and the opposite of what was intended. How can you change the belief in order to change behavior and get the end result you want? Beliefs drive behavior, which causes a positive or negative outcome. 

We all learn beliefs and values when we are young from adults around us. As we age and encounter new situations and people whose beliefs and values differ, the result can be frustration, confusion, and great emotional pain. When problem gambling is part of the equation, all bets are off. 

If you see yourself in the words written here, know that problem gambling assistance for loved ones is available 24/7 in Florida. Call or text 888-ADMIT-IT to speak with a knowledgeable HelpLine Specialist and connect with free resources, for YOU. Recovery from the impacts of gambling addiction is possible for both gamblers and loved ones, and treatment is available. 

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How to Set Realistic Goals for Success in Problem Gambling Recovery

How to Set Realistic Goals for Success in Problem Gambling Recovery

If you are considering that your gambling may be getting out of control, here is something to consider: in what ways does gambling fulfill you? Many gamblers start off gambling for fun, as a way to be social with others, while some say it is “to make money.” Problem gambling can begin when someone thinks it is a good way to escape from life and its stressors, or that it will take care of all their problems with just one “big win.” This is often where gambling crosses the line into disordered gambling. It’s when gambling isn’t fun anymore. It can be a need to escape other problems in one’s life, a compulsive desire of a win that will never be achieved, no matter how much time or money the gambler spends.  

If you feel you may have found yourself at this point in your gambling experience, then now is a good time to reach out to someone who is knowledgeable about your situation. Someone who is there at the end of the phone 24/7 to help and support you. In Florida, this connection to problem gambling support can be found 24/7 by texting or calling the confidential and multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. 

Let’s explore your gambling in this way; what need did gambling fulfill for you in the beginning? Does this reason still hold true for you today? Ask yourself why it does or it doesn’t give you the payoff it once did. Explore how your gambling thoughts and behaviors have changed over time. When trying to stop the insanity and get off the problem gambling train, you first need to understand what is it that you like about it. What does it fulfill for you that nothing else can? One of the main ways is that compulsive gambling helps someone to escape from something uncomfortable in their lives, in much the same way as alcohol or drug use. Once this is understood, then you can find ways to get these areas back in order and fill that hole with something else. 

Let’s take a look at some stressors in life that you may be trying to escape: 

  • Responsibilities 
  • A bad relationship 
  • Physical pain 
  • Emotional pain 
  • A stressful job 
  • Loneliness 
  • Financial consequences 
  • Legal consequences 
  • Past trauma 

Start from the beginning by answering the question of what the payoff to your gambling was. Does the gambling still have the same effect for you? Why or why not? And lastly, what do you think happened to change this for you? If you thought gambling was fixing something in your life, what was it? Did it succeed? Does it still? 

“The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.”  

– Alan Saporta

There are 8 major life impacts of addiction: 

  1. Family 
  2. Social 
  3. Legal 
  4. Physical 
  5. Financial 
  6. Spiritual 
  7. Emotional 
  8. Occupational 

In order to work through each area above, you must explore each one individually. Setting goals is the best way to start making changes – taking it one small step at a time. When setting goals, it’s important to make them realistic from where you are today, considering all the small steps you need to take before you get the future results you want. By taking small steps, you can be and feel more successful and willing to take the next small step. There is no “quick fix” to any of these problem areas. Especially with problem gambling, the risk of relapse is high during recovery. Be wary of sabotaging your own efforts by acting on immediate gratification needs – that’s the addiction talking! 

In order for a goal to be successful, it has to be specific, reasonably attainable, and measurable.  

Once you have found some confidence in succeeding with these small steps towards a goal, it will become easier for you to continue changing for the better. The question is how do you know when you have accomplished the goal? Let’s look at an example with financial problems, and you can the work through the areas from above you need to work on.  

Example: Goal Setting for Financial Problems 

  1. Describe the problem; “I have creditors calling about my credit card debts, wanting money. I can’t pay them all, so I won’t pay any of them. I am afraid to call them.” 
  2. Goal: To start a payment plan to pay off the debts over time. 
  3. First small step to change: “I will call the 24/7 888-ADMIT-IT Problem Gambling HelpLine right now to talk to someone knowledgeable about the situation I’m in, who will connect me with free resources that can help with financial and other issues. I do not have to worry about speaking with a HelpLine Specialist, because the conversation is 100% confidential and non-judgmental.” 
  4. Second small step to change: “I will sit down next Sunday and go through all the bills I have been throwing in a corner, afraid to look at. I will find the most recent bill for each account and throw the rest away.” If you think this will be too emotionally overwhelming for you, find someone you trust to be there with you. This is important, so the challenge of recovery itself does not put you in relapse. 
  5. Third small step to change: “I will use the A Chance for Change financial workbook and Budget Tool I got for free from 888-ADMIT-IT to organize all my bills and all incoming and outgoing financial information. I will then call one creditor to set up a monthly payment plan.” When speaking to them, be realistic for what you can really send them. Continue this process, one bill at a time, and stick with it! Pay one off then another one off. As you go, you can work towards bigger payments. You can make it work if you go slow and take it one small step at a time. 

Now pick another area you would like to work on, write a small goal, and work through it with each of these areas of your life that are in need of change. 

Don’t Know Where to Start?
Call or Text 888-ADMIT-IT. 

The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG)’s “A Chance for Change” Recovery Workbook series closely examines how individuals can escape the grips of compulsive gambling by creating and maintaining a plan for positive change and dealing with relationship troubles, financial issues, legal problems, and the many other impacts. This is just one of the hundreds of free problem gambling resources that are just a call or text away in Florida: 888-ADMIT-IT. Start today and take charge of your life! 

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Mantener Intactos los Valores y Creencias es Importante al Vivir con Juego Problemático

Mantener Intactos los Valores y Creencias es Importante al Vivir con Juego Problemático

Si vives con alguien que sufre de juego problemático, es posible que hayas descubierto que has perdido una parte de ti mismo en la relación. Puede que hayas sacrificado algunos valores y creencias importantes para facilitar tu vida e incluso para permitir que el trastorno continúe sin darte cuenta. 

Muchas personas nunca se han sentado a identificar sus valores y creencias fundamentales. Nunca hemos contemplado qué es importante para nosotros. ¡Conocer la diferencia entre un valor y una creencia también es importante! Esto es lo que exploraremos juntos en este blog. 

¿Qué es un valor? 

Un valor es aquello que es deseable o digno de estima por sí mismo; una cosa o cualidad que tiene un valor intrínseco. (Intrínseco significa de dentro de nosotros mismos).  

Los valores son un recurso fundamental que tenemos para guiar nuestras vidas y las decisiones que tomamos. Los valores provienen de lo más profundo de nosotros mismos. Nos hacen ser quienes somos, en qué creemos y cómo actuamos. Determinan cómo queremos vivir nuestras vidas. Nos dan propósito y dirección para la forma en que nos comportamos en este mundo, con nosotros mismos y con quienes nos rodean. A lo largo del camino, podemos adquirir nuevos valores o abandonar algunos valores que ya no consideramos importantes. Este tipo de cambio también puede afectar a nuestros sistemas de creencias. Los valores son lo que nos ayuda a tomar las decisiones correctas en la vida. Algunos de nuestros valores se formulan desde una edad muy temprana y probablemente fueron influenciados por nuestros padres u otros ancianos en nuestras vidas. Estos tipos de valores se llaman Valores Fundamentales:  

  • Honestidad 
  • Confiabilidad 
  • Empatía 
  • Confianza 
  • Responsabilidad 
  • Consistencia 
  • Igualdad 
  • Ética 
  • Diversidad 
  • Responsabilidad Social 
  • Respeto 
  • Verdad 
  • Justicia 
  • Integridad 
  • Tolerancia 
  • Fiabilidad 

Echa un vistazo a algunos de estos valores. ¿Ves cómo puedes haber perdido algunos valores debido al juego problemático? ¿Alguno de los valores mencionados anteriormente llena los espacios en blanco para ti? Si descubres que has perdido algunos en el camino para facilitar la vida viviendo con un jugador problemático, ¿cómo crees que podrías recuperar ese valor? 

“No intentes ser un hombre de éxito, sino un hombre de valores.”

Albert Einstein

¿Qué es una creencia? 

Una creencia es la aceptación de que una afirmación es verdadera o de que algo existe. La distinción importante aquí es que una creencia NO es un hecho, y NO necesariamente es verdadera, pero el poseedor de la creencia la ha aceptado como tal. 

Las creencias son un poco diferentes de los valores. Las creencias son suposiciones profundamente arraigadas sobre tu vida. Inconscientemente afectan tus comportamientos, pensamientos y emociones. Hay 3 tipos de creencias fundamentales que comienzan con creencias sobre ti mismo, creencias sobre los demás y creencias sobre el mundo que te rodea. Estas creencias, al igual que los valores, las aprendemos cuando somos jóvenes observando a nuestros padres u otros ancianos. Piensa en lo que dices sobre ti mismo y para ti mismo como: “No soy digno de amor y respeto”. Eso puede ser una creencia, ¡aunque nunca será cierto! Estos pensamientos moldean nuestros comportamientos impulsados por emociones.  

Piénsalo de esta manera: tengo una creencia, y si tengo esa creencia, entonces tengo un comportamiento resultante, y termino con resultados positivos o negativos de ese comportamiento. Por ejemplo: 

  • Creencia: Como ser querido de un jugador problemático, una creencia tuya puede ser: “Si voy y juego con él/ella, puedo controlar el dinero y el tiempo gastado”. 
  • Comportamiento: Tu creencia resultará en que te unas a él/ella en el juego y trates de controlar el tiempo y el dinero gastado. 
  • Resultado: ¡Terminas en una discusión acalorada con el jugador, que incluso puede resultar en más juego! 

En este ejemplo, la creencia conduce a un resultado negativo y lo contrario de lo que se pretendía. ¿Cómo puedes cambiar la creencia para cambiar el comportamiento y obtener el resultado final que deseas? Las creencias impulsan el comportamiento, lo que causa un resultado positivo o negativo. 

Todos aprendemos creencias y valores cuando somos jóvenes de los adultos que nos rodean. A medida que envejecemos y encontramos nuevas situaciones y personas cuyas creencias y valores difieren, el resultado puede ser frustración, confusión y un gran dolor emocional. Cuando el juego problemático es parte de la ecuación, todas las apuestas están fuera. 

Si te ves reflejado en las palabras escritas aquí, debes saber que la asistencia para el juego problemático para los seres queridos está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana en Florida. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT para hablar con un especialista de la línea de ayuda con conocimientos y conectarte con recursos gratuitos, ¡para TI! La recuperación de los impactos de la adicción al juego es posible tanto para los jugadores como para los seres queridos, y el tratamiento está disponible. 

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WEB LETTER: Highlighting Gambling Disorder During National Minority Health Month

[IMAGE] Highlighting Gambling Disorder During National Minority Health Month

It is always a good time to check in on everyone around us to and ask if they are doing alright, both mentally and physically. Did you know that April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM)? This annual event works to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic minority groups and encourage action through health education, early detection, and control of disease complications.

Read the April Web Letter to learn why raising awareness about problem gambling and the resources available to Floridians through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine should be part of NMHM.

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Don’t Let Problem Gambling Remain Hidden During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

No permitas que el juego problemático permanezca oculto durante la Semana Nacional de Datos sobre Drogas y Alcohol

March 18th to the 24th is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week in 2024. It is an opportunity to shine the light on the science of drug use and addiction among youth and adults, and its relationship, as well as similarities and differences, with problem gambling. 

Disordered gambling should always be included in the discussion about drugs and alcohol abuse. It is not uncommon for those at-risk or already suffering from problem gambling to also be struggling with drug or alcohol difficulties, given the high rate of co-morbidity within this population. Individuals may also substitute one addiction for another, such as stopping drinking only to start gambling more or vice versa. Studies over the years have indicated that 50% or more of the problem gambling population has or have had drug or alcohol problems!

While there are many similarities between problem gambling and substance abuse, there are also important differences that have made compulsive gambling more difficult to identify and to treat. Known as the hidden addiction due to its lack of physical symptoms, one cannot pick up on disordered gambling by checking for “dice eyes”, “roulette breath”, or “card marks” on the arms.

Consider the other side of this. Somebody who is showing physical signs of alcoholism or drug abuse may also have a gambling problem, and it may even be at the root of the substance abuse. However… 

  • To the wife trying to understand why her husband isn’t home… 
  • To the counselor working on the individual’s treatment plan… 
  • To the employer wondering what has happened to their top performer…
  • To the police officer making the DUI arrest… 
  • And even to the judge determining the sentence… 

The gambling problem can remain hidden!

We know that based on research there is a correlation between higher gambling risk, while simultaneously using drugs or alcohol. You may hear this referred to as dual diagnosis, comorbidity, or co-occurring addictions. Many adults report while in treatment or when they contact the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine that they started using drugs and alcohol when young and then began gambling. There are some that have been in recovery for many years from drugs and alcohol who didn’t even realize that gambling could become an addiction for them, too. Some report they drink or smoke more while gambling. The underlying reactions that are triggered in the brain when someone consumes alcohol are very similar to when someone gambles. In fact, the brain will release dopamine after someone gambles, the same process that happens in addictive drugs. The way these two reactions can stack on each other, along with the accessibility of alcohol in gambling establishments, makes the potential of alcoholism and gambling addiction as co-occurring disorders even more likely.[1] 

Addiction is any chronic, habitual behavior that interferes with one’s ability to function normally. The following characteristics of addiction can refer to any self-destructive behaviors, such as compulsive gambling, overeating, sex addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism, uncontrolled spending, smoking, and sugar/caffeine abuse and dependency. 

  • Relying on the activity to provide pleasure or relief from stress and pain. 
  • Continuing the activity despite adverse consequences. 
  • Experiencing withdrawal – individual feels worse when he/she stops. 
  • Denying, rationalizing, and minimizing consequences. 
  • Losing control over the activity. 
  • Failed attempts to stop or control abuse. 
  • Experiencing tolerance – individual needs more to get the same high (such as larger bets for gambling). 
  • No longer enjoying the activity but continuing just to feel “normal.” 
  • Preoccupation. 
  • Cravings. 
  • Tendency to relapse. 
  • The severity of symptoms is progressive and gets worse over time. 
  • Individual centers his/her life around the activity.[2]

Taking those into consideration, here are the differences that set disordered gambling apart from substance abuse and other addictions. In addition to all of the above, individuals suffering from problem gambling: 

  • Are triggered by money, which is the drug that fuels gambling addiction, leading to pronounced financial difficulties for the individual and any dependents.
  • Show no outward physical symptoms and can function normally at work or in other social situations. 
  • Can’t overdose, and there is no saturation point. The body will not shut down from too much gambling, like it does with alcohol and drugs. 
  • Don’t need to ingest anything, and don’t need to go anywhere or speak with anyone to gamble (online/mobile gambling). 
  • Are discouraged from seeking treatment because of persistent social stigmas. 

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month 

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). By educating the general population and key professionals about gambling disorder, its signs and symptoms, and the help and hope available through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine, we can make a difference in the lives of those suffering from this hidden addiction. Learn more here about the FCCG’s PGAM campaign for 2024.

March 12th is National Gambling Disorder Screening Day 

A big part of the PGAM campaign each year is National Gambling Disorder Screening Day, which this year falls on March 12th. Screening Day is an annual, one-day event intended to educate and support providers in screening for Gambling Disorder. Screening helps to identify individuals who should seek further assessment for potential gambling-related problems. It does not provide a diagnosis.

Client-facing organizations, community groups, other organizations, and individuals can participate in this event by screening their patients/clients for Gambling Disorder on Screening Day. We refer to this as ‘hosting’ a Screening Day event and these participants are called ‘Screeners.’ Anyone can host. This grassroots event is open to everyone interested. You do not need to be a gambling-specific organization to screen. Learn more here. 

888-ADMIT-IT Also Offers Problem Gambling Prevention and Education Resources for Professionals 

It all starts with prevention and having the open conversation about drugs, alcohol, and problem gambling with your children, your family members, and friends. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from 2020 shows that 57 percent of youth ages 12 to 17 did not think there was great harm in having five or more drinks once or twice a week. As many as 62.6 percent of those in that age group did not think it was very harmful to smoke marijuana once or twice a week.[3] Despite the legal gambling age of 18, Florida prevalence research revealed lifetime participation in gambling was almost 70% among Florida residents, ages 13 to 17. Additionally, the study found that over 40% of adolescents reported gambling in the past year and 11.5% identified as weekly gamblers. Adolescent problem gamblers were also found to have much higher rates of alcohol, drug, and tobacco use![4 ]

Did you know that the FCCG has developed problem gambling prevention and education resources for the following groups of professionals? Contact 888-ADMIT-IT to learn more! 

  • Youth Organizations and Service Providers: The FCCG has developed a series of comprehensive gambling prevention and intervention programs for youth and college-age students. The FCCG developed itsSmart Choicesprogram, which consists of two ready-to-use lesson plans, both of which promote healthy discussion, and includes worksheets with fun activities. In an effort to address the issues presenting with youth involving gambling, the FCCG has developed a comprehensive Problem Gambling Prevention Program for Middle and High School Students.Further, the FCCG has developed its college campus-wideStudents Advocating for Gambling Awareness (SAGA)program. Learn more about FCCG prevention programs. 
  • Treatment Providers: An important role of the FCCG is the continued training of treatment providers, mental health workers, clinical social workers, and marriage and family therapists throughout the state. This has been accomplished through webinars, online training modules, and outreach activities conducted to promote the FCCG’s programs and services to diverse audiences throughout the state of Florida. Learn more. 
  • Legal Professionals: FCCG training and programming provides guidance to law enforcement, probation and police officers, judges, and attorneys regarding problem gambling impacts and solutions. Excessive gambling places a hardship on our legal and prison systems given the frequency of theft, embezzlement, fraud, and other crimes committed. More often than not, police, probation and correction officers, as well as attorneys, public defenders, prosecutors, judges, and the criminal justice system as a whole are not familiar with compulsive gambling and/or the impacts resulting from such a diagnosis that lead to crime. Learn more. 
  • Elder Service Providers and Senior Service Organizations: The FCCG has developed a variety of senior-specific programs and resources offering a comprehensive approach for diverse elder service providers in recognizing the signs of a gambling problem in the population served. FCCG senior programs address common situations that seniors encounter, identify age-appropriate solutions, and offer viable approaches to prevention, assessment, intervention, treatment, and outreach efforts. Learn more. 
  • Military and Veterans Service Providers: Recent research reveals that as many as 56,000 active duty members of the Armed Forces meet the criteria for gambling disorder, and studies have shown that veterans have elevated rates of gambling problems, at least twice the rate of the general adult population. The FCCG provides FREE services and supports to mental health professionals and others servicing this population. Learn more. 

[1] Alcohol Rehab Guide. Alcoholism And Gambling Addiction https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/resources/dual-diagnosis/alcoholism-and-gambling-addiction/ 
[2] Nichols, M. No-Dice Safety Net to Recovery. 2008 
[3] Coady Jeffery A. SAMSHA. Making Prevention a Priority During National Drugs and Alcohol Facts Week. March 2022.  https://www.samhsa.gov/blog/making-prevention-priority-during-national-drugs-alcohol-facts-week 
[4] Shapira, N. A., Ferguson, M. A., Frost-Pineda, K., & Gold, M. S. (2002). Gambling and Problem Gambling Prevalence among Adolescents in Florida. 

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