Hacer De La Salud Mental Una Prioridad

Preventing the Link Between Crime & Problem Gambling

Ya sea una cita oftalmológica o una revisión anual, la detección de enfermedades y dolencias físicas tienen, por lo general, un lugar en la mente de todas las personas, en particular a medida que envejecemos. Sin embargo, aunque la salud física y mental son igual de importantes, ésta última no es ampliamente reconocida en términos de concientización y prevención. Las personas con factores de salud mental subyacentes tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar un problema con los juegos de azar. Por ejemplo, si alguien se encuentra deprimido y recurre a las apuestas como una manera de escapar de la ansiedad y de otros elementos estresantes, esto podría hacerlo más vulnerable a tener un problema con las apuestas o llevarlo a apostar más del tiempo previsto o a gastar más de lo que tenía planeado, lo que finalmente daría lugar a un problema con los juegos de azar. Una historia de abuso o trauma también puede aumentar la probabilidad de que alguien pueda estar más expuesto a desarrollar un problema con los juegos de azar. Tal como lo destacamos en el Día nacional de la detección de la depresión, el 6 de octubre, lo invitamos a que use esto como una oportunidad para discutir la importancia de prestar atención a nuestra salud mental con un enfoque en su relación con el problema con los juegos de azar.

La conexión entre depresión y un problema con los juegos de azar

Alrededor de 40 millones de adultos estadounidenses luchan con la depresión y la ansiedad [1]. Esto ubica a la depresión como uno de los problemas de salud mental preponderantes en nuestro país, y como un problema que puede relacionarse con otros tipos de luchas, incluido el problema con los juegos de azar. 

En el Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG, por sus siglas en inglés), nuestra línea de ayuda 24 horas, confidencial y multilingüe, recibe incontables contactos de floridanos que experimentan problemas serios y graves en sus vidas debido a un problema con los juegos de azar presente en sus hogares. En muchos de los casos, la depresión fue la causa subyacente de los síntomas que presentaban, y las apuestas compulsivas eran la raíz de los problemas. Si estos problemas no se evalúan, ni se identifican, ni se tratan, pueden permanecer “ocultos” y dar lugar a consecuencias importantes. 

De manera alternativa, los problemas de salud mental también pueden aumentar el riesgo de apostar de manera compulsiva. Por ejemplo, los apostadores pueden apostar en exceso para sentirse mejor, escapar o distraerse. Pueden sentir que apostar les ayuda a sobrellevar las situaciones, incluso si pierden más de lo que ganan. Quienes luchan con un problema con los juegos de azar perseguirán la sensación de ganar, sin importar las circunstancias ni las consecuencias negativas que puedan experimentar, debido a que la euforia de estar en acción mientras apuestan puede sentirse de manera aumentada cuando se enfrentan con la depresión.

Los datos de la línea de ayuda del FCCG, 888-ADMIT-IT del año fiscal 2021/2022 revelan la condición de salud mental de los apostadores y los problemas domésticos producen altos niveles de ansiedad (62%), depresión (63%), pensamientos suicidas (24%), conflictos familiares (60%), abandono familiar (41%), violencia familiar (5%) y problemas en el trabajo o en la escuela (37%). Entre las personas apostadoras, el 39% reportó tener una historia familiar de problemas con los juegos de azar, y más del 33% reportó una historia familiar de abuso del alcohol o sustancias. Los seres queridos de los apostadores (por ejemplo, cónyuges, compañeros, padres, hijos, hermanos) también sufren de una cantidad importante de problemas de salud mental. Entre los seres queridos, se reportó 67% de ansiedad, 49% de depresión, 87% de conflicto familiar, 40% de abandono familiar, 8% de violencia familiar, y el 20% indicó problemas personales en el trabajo o en la escuela. Las tasas de frecuencia para cada una de estas dificultades experimentadas por los seres queridos fueron significativamente más altas este año en comparación con el año anterior, lo que apoya aún más la necesidad continua de ayudar a educar a los profesionales de la atención en salud mental sobre los impactos familiares y las comorbilidades de salud mental entre las personas con problemas con los juegos de azar.

Identificación de las señales de depresión y el problema con los juegos de azar 

Los síntomas o las señales de advertencia de los problemas con las apuestas y la depresión pueden ser similares, como el alejarse de los seres queridos, estar irritables, ser incapaces de concentrarse y evitar asumir las responsabilidades. Con los apostadores, las señales de advertencia también pueden incluir la intolerancia, el retraimiento, una disminución del control cuando apuestan, el preocuparse por las apuestas, el apostar para escapar, el buscar recuperar las pérdidas, el mentir, poner en riesgo las relaciones y sus carreras, y el buscar rescates financieros. Los síntomas de depresión también pueden abarcar crisis nerviosas, sentimientos de desesperación, insomnio y apatía. Adicionalmente, las personas apostadoras también están expuestas a un aumento en el riesgo de cometer suicidio, teniendo en cuenta que uno de cada cinco apostadores compulsivos trata de suicidarse. [2] De hecho, la adicción a las apuestas presenta la tasa más alta de suicidios entre todas las adicciones. [3]  

Quienes luchan con problemas con los juegos de azar o con la depresión pueden tener momentos en los que estos síntomas son más evidentes, y otros en los que estos síntomas pueden disminuir. Durante los momentos en los que los síntomas disminuyen, las personas pueden sentir que han superado el problema o que éste no existe realmente, lo cual no es así. Tener acceso a apoyos y recursos multilingües de manera confidencial, gratuita y 24/7, es esencial tanto para los apostadores como para sus seres queridos, y están disponibles a través de la línea de ayuda del FCCG, 888-ADMIT-IT.

Los juegos de azar comienzan a ser un problema cuando causan impactos negativos en la vida de las personas. Muy a menudo niegan que exista un problema, a pesar de experimentar muchas consecuencias negativas en sus vidas. Las personas apostadoras avanzan, por lo general, a través de algunas etapas muy claras a medida que se sumergen en la adicción a las apuestas. Debido a que no hay síntomas físicos de adicción a las apuestas, un apostador puede sentirse muy angustiado mientras pasa por estos cambios de transición, y esto, en gran medida,  no puede ser detectado por otras personas. De hecho, incluso las personas más cercanas a un apostador no reconocen, a menudo, que exista un problema.

Es imprescindible recordar que nadie puede predecir que se convertirá en un apostador compulsivo o que desarrollará algún tipo de desorden en la salud mental. Debemos transmitir el mensaje de que la ayuda, la esperanza y la recuperación de un desorden de adicción a las apuestas pueden ser posibles cuando se realizan intervenciones tempranas. Este jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022, ayúdenos a difundir este mensaje sobre el Día nacional de la detección de la depresión, lo cual podrá cambiar su vida o la de alguna persona por la que usted se preocupa. 

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está enfrentándose a dificultades debidas a problemas con los juegos de azar, puede iniciar hoy el viaje de recuperación comunicándose con la línea de ayuda multilingüe, confidencial, gratuita y 24/7, 888-ADMIT-IT (888-236-4848), por texto (321-978-0555), por correo electrónico ([email protected]), por chat (gamblinghelp.org) o visitando nuestras redes sociales. 

  1. “Facts & Statistics: Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA.” Facts & Statistics | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA, https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/facts-statistics. 
  2. Davies, Rob. “Problem Gamblers Much More Likely to Attempt Suicide – Study.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 19 de julio de 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/19/problem-gamblers-much-more-likely-to-attempt-suicide-study.
  3. Jones, Colleen. “September Is Suicide Prevention Month: Problem Gambling Has Highest Suicide Rates among All Addictions.” The Batavian, 16 de septiembre de 2020, https://www.thebatavian.com/press-release/september-is-suicide-prevention-month-problem-gambling-has-highest-suicide-rates-among.

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What You Need to Know About Playing Online Poker With Bitcoin

With more than 100 million players, poker is undoubtedly the most popular card game globally. Where poker was once primarily played in casinos, lounges, and backrooms, it’s now found its way into the digital realm of online casinos.

Now with cryptocurrencies, poker betting with Bitcoin has become quite popular with punters worldwide. For example, Bovada offers Bitcoin slots and poker, so you can make a deposit with cryptocurrency instead of normal currency.

So, what is it that’s encouraging players and online casinos alike to use this digital currency? Let’s take a look at the a few perks:

  • Bitcoins let players bet anonymously. Given the stigma of gambling, some responsible punters prefer to protect their privacy, so they choose to bet with Bitcoin for the pseudonymity it provides. While not 100% anonymous, Bitcoin deposits are not trackable and allow a punter to remain somewhat anonymous.
  • Some players bet with Bitcoin to earn more Bitcoin. As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have exploded in popularity, some investors have taken to gambling with Bitcoin to grow their portfolio of investments. Plus, betting with Bitcoin allows investors to potentially multiply their returns by several times, given the asset’s volatility. It’s sort of double the action compared to fiat currencies.
  • Zero fees or charges. Payment platforms such as PayPal impose service fees and other charges on those looking to withdraw their funds. So, rather than accepting this, some punters choose to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Transferring cryptos from a casino to your wallet does not impose any fees, which makes Bitcoins so attractive.
  • Bitcoin allows instant withdrawals. Another reason Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are so popular is that they allow punters to withdraw their winnings instantly. There are no wait times or delays, just immediate access to their winnings.
  • Big bonuses for depositing with Bitcoin. Many sites give their players a first deposit bonus when making the transactions in crypto.

While there are plenty of benefits to playing poker with Bitcoin, you should also keep in mind a few other points. Read further to be informed on all the necessary facts before gambling with Bitcoin:

Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Are Extremely Volatile

Like all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is 100% unregulated and decentralized. Well, regulation is on the way in many countries, but still there’s not going to be a central party to control it. This means that there are no restrictions related to the trading of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, Bitcoin is not issued by a central governing body which means that any government does not back it.

All of this, coupled with the fact that cryptos are traded 24 hours a day, all-year-round means that Bitcoin and other cryptos are incredibly volatile. This means that prices can suddenly shift upwards or downwards with zero warning. A currency worth something today could be 10 times more valuable tomorrow or worthless. Because of this, many speculators have equated investing in cryptos with gambling which couldn’t be further from the truth – crypto is a growing asset class that can make tremendous returns for long-term holders and skilled traders.

Anyways, the point is that you should need to be on the ball if you intend to play online poker with Bitcoin. This includes keeping track of prices daily and constantly monitoring news reports. A good strategy would include selling some when the price is high and buying more when the price is low. This is not financial advice though – we recommend doing your own due diligence.

Bitcoin is Currently The Most Accepted Form of Cryptocurrency

Not only is Bitcoin the oldest cryptocurrency on the market, but it’s also the most popular. It’s traded by institutional investors like banks and even accepted as legal tender by some countries. Almost all online casinos accept bets and deposits in Bitcoin, which is great for those looking to gamble with cryptos. While other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Litecoin are generally accepted, it’s much easier to find online casinos that take Bitcoin.

Online Poker With Bitcoin is Generally Safe, BUT Scams Are Aplenty

From fake websites to fraudulent exchanges, crypto scams are extremely common, so you need to be extra careful when betting with Bitcoin. Due to the unregulated nature of the crypto market, victims of scams often have little to no legal recourse once they fall, victim. That’s because it’s almost impossible to track down missing funds once they’ve been stolen. You need to be extra careful whenever you’re betting with Bitcoins! See different customer reviews on 3rd party review platforms and read reviews on poker forums and sites like ours to gain deeper insight before depositing your hard-earned money onto a site.

You Need a Crypto Wallet to Hold Bitcoins

To store your Bitcoins, you must first sign up for a cryptocurrency wallet known as a hot wallet. Several online platforms can store your Bitcoin and crypto keys for you offsite and gives the wallet holder easy access to their funds. However, storing your funds in a hot wallet exclusively can be pretty big 3rd party risk. Thus, we recommend utilizing a cold wallet to safeguard your assets properly – especially if you hold large amounts of crypto.

Your Winnings Can Make You Even More Money

Did you know that Bitcoin can continue making you money even after winning a bad beat jackpot in poker or a huge online poker tournament?

That’s right, Bitcoins are an investment on their own and, due to their high volatility, can appreciate in value over time. Hence, some experienced investors believe in holding onto their Bitcoins for as long as possible to reap the returns in the long term.

This, of course, works both ways, and you could very well end up losing everything should the market bottom out. So, it’s best to do your own research and not rely on hearsay only.

To conclude, betting on sports and playing online poker with Bitcoin can be profitable as well as risky. And this is why you should always know your limits and visit only reputable online casinos and poker rooms – see our list of online poker sites here.

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Game Providers’ Crypto Slots Fail to Attract Players

Crypto Themed Slot Games

How can crypto-themed slots effectively get the attention of crypto players and tap the growing crypto gambling community? Here are 4 mistakes to avoid.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular even in iGaming, and a proof of this is the increasing number of crypto-themed slots.

Although there is only a handful of these in online casinos to date, it will not be long enough before other game providers will follow the steps of Endorphina, Rakki, MrSlotty, and True Flip. These four already have in their portfolio crypto-themed slots that are regarded as among the most popular titles in its category.

Crypto-themed slots

While these slots receive warm reception in selected regions, it is a completely different story when it comes to crypto players. Why? Endorphina’s Satoshi’s Secret, Rakki’s SatoshiSlot, MrSlotty’s CryptoMatrix, and True Flip’s Mining Factory all have different features that may have hit or missed the right elements crypto players look for.

Games are not provably fair.

The primary feature that sets crypto slots and crypto-themed slots apart is provable fairness. Crypto slots allow players to manually verify the authenticity of the result of every spin. This very feature, unfortunately, is missing in Satoshi’s Secret and CryptoMatrix.

Whether it is roulette, blackjack, or slots, crypto players look for the provably fair feature as this ensures them that the game does not cheat them. From this alone, it is clear that Endorphina and MrSlotty both target fiat-money players and therefore fail to reach out to crypto-paying players.

SatoshiSlot Game

On the other hand, SatoshiSlot is a provably fair crypto-themed slot. Players can conveniently check the fairness of every spin and not worry whether or not the game is rigged.

Making online slots provably fair, however, is not rocket science nor impossible. In fact, BGaming, which is the game content arm of SoftSwiss, produces provably fair online slots that crypto-friendly casinos can add to their game library.


3 New Provably Fair Crypto Games from CasinoWebScripts

Games are designed for fiat-money gaming.

Following Endorphina’s and MrSlotty’s approach to the creation of their online slots, it can be deduced that some game providers simply do not create games for crypto players. A reason for this is that catering to the crypto casino community may simply not be part of their marketing strategy.

But for game providers to effectively target crypto players, they should create slots that are also designed for, well, crypto gambling. This means that developers will program their games to accept fiat currencies like USD and EUR, as well as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Mining Factory Slot

With this set-up, game content creators can sell their crypto-themed games to either a fiat-only casino or a crypto-friendly casino, with the crypto version having the ability to support cryptocurrency bets.

Rakki’s SatoshiSlot and True Flip’s Mining Factory both accept crypto bets, making them the perfect crypto-themed slots for those who want to play using Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.


All Lotteries Are Rigged? Let True Flip’s Blockchain-Based Draws Change Your Mind

Games are missing in crypto-friendly casinos.

Of course, game developers will need to reach out to crypto-friendly casinos if they want their slots to catch the attention of crypto players. While crypto players may also spin the reels in other casinos using fiat money, it is always better for third-party game content providers to bring their slots closer to their target market.

Satoshi's Secret Slot

Fortunately, Endorphina and MrSlotty games are available in the game library of several online casinos, many of which accept Bitcoin and other coins for payments. Some of these casinos, however, convert crypto deposits to either USD or EUR, which technically strips players off of the option to play using cryptocurrency. Still, having their crypto-themed slots Satoshi’s Secret and CryptoMatrix in these casinos is a step forward in making an impression on crypto players.

True Flip’s Mining Factory and Rakki’s SatoshiSlot, meanwhile, are available in crypto-accepting casinos. In fact, True Flip is a blockchain casino that also produces its own games.

Games have no free spins or exciting features.

Finally, like fiat-money players, crypto players also look for innovative gameplay and exciting features. This means that crypto-themed slots will still fail to get the nod of crypto players even if the games are provably fair, accept crypto bets, and can be found in crypto-friendly casinos.

CryptoMatrix Slot

Of the four slots, CryptoMatrix is the most interesting as it has a 3-1-3-1-3 layout. Satoshi’s Secret also stands out because of its 6×3 grid structure. In terms of paylines, however, they are all unimpressive. Mining Factory has the most with 27, and this figure will be easily overshadowed by online slots with 1000+ paylines. But when it comes to return-to-player, SatoshiSlot’s 97.40% is enough for most slot enthusiasts.

* * * *

While these slots are decent, game providers planning to release their own crypto-themed slots should be more innovative and creative. This way, they can be sure that their slots’ gameplay and features – paired with the three other factors – will help them succeed in effectively attracting crypto players and tap the growing crypto gambling community.


10 Best Online Gaming Hubs That Accept Your EOS Tokens

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Differences Between Slots and Roulette Explained

Differences Between Slot and Roulette Games

Differences Between Slot and Roulette Games

At online casinos, there are two broad categories of players: those who swear by slot games, and avid players who can’t seem to get enough of classic table games like roulette, blackjack, craps, and baccarat. Of course, some players don’t mind switching between slot games and the roulette wheel.

At first glance, the two types of casino games may seem to bear little resemblance to each other. On the one hand, slot games entail wagering your bets on three or more spinning or cascading reels. On the other hand, roulette games involve betting on a rotating wheel with numbered pockets.

Despite this, one thing is certain: slots and roulette are some of the most popular casino games ever, and they come in several different variations. In fact, some hybrid versions combine the beauty of these two most loved gambling games.

The bigger question, however, is which one is better in terms of gameplay, odds, RTP, and other player-friendly metrics?

In this article, we explore the major differences between roulette and slot games, helping you decide which is best to play for your level of experience and gambling style.


Roulette – Is it an Enticing Goldmine or a Boring Money Guzzler?

roulette games

Roulette is undoubtedly one of the oldest games in casino history.

Since it was first introduced in French casinos in the late 1790s, roulette has grown to become one of the most loved casino games, too. And it has withstood the rough waters of time, becoming a mainstay feature in virtually all online and land-based casinos.

There’s good reason roulette has been prominent in casino rooms for over two centuries. It is a reasonably simple game to understand and play, making it an easy pick for both rookie and seasoned players.

As with many other table games, online casinos are always trying to expand their roulette offerings in order to keep players coming back for more. But that isn’t all there is to roulette.

Roulette games offer plenty of advantages over other casino games, but they are not without shortcomings. Let’s take a closer look at their pros and cons.


Pros of Roulette Games

Easy gameplay and rules – Roulette’s rules of play are simple and straightforward. The player has to place the bets on the table before the croupier announces “no more bets!”

The spinning wheel has colored pockets that bear numbers matching those on the table. If you think number 5 will come out, simply place your wager on number five on the table. It’s that easy.

Huge variety of betting options – There are few casino games that can beat roulette when it comes to the number of bets you can make. Besides obvious ones like betting straight up on one or more numbers, you can go for outside bets, such as betting on thirds, dozens, columns, colors (red or black), highs or lows, odd or even, and so forth.

Inside, you can opt for split bets, corner bets, five bets, street bets, line bets, five number bets, basket bets, snake bets, and much more. Alternatively, you can decide to make a call bet, which means you call out a number, and your wager will also cover adjacent positions.

Examples of call bets include neighbors (covers two adjacent numbers on either side of the called number), Jeu Zero (covers numbers closest to zero), Voisins du Zero, Tiers du Cylindre, Orphelins, and so on.

As you can see, roulette provides players with a massive choice of betting options. All you have to do is choose bets that will go well with your betting system or strategy.

You can use advanced strategy or winning tactics – Even though you want to have fun and beat boredom, your ultimate goal at an online casino is to win money. After all, no one wants to lose their entire bankroll in the game, even if they’re having a blast.

That’s where roulette brings its A-game. As a well-known game of strategy, you can actually beat roulette. The best way to do this is to use certain betting systems or tactics to tilt odds or edge in your favor.

A great example of a roulette betting system is Martingale. This gem appeared decades ago when casinos had no pre-set table limits (in fact, it is the very reason why they set table limits in the first place). The overarching principle behind this easy-to-implement betting system could not be simpler and more straightforward.

In the Martingale approach, you double your wager every time you lose and go back to the original bet when you finally win. The idea behind this is a no-brainer: if you bet on a given proposition every turn, you are bound to eventually win.

Martingale strategy works best for outside bets. Other major betting systems include the D’Alembert, Fibonacci, the Reverse Martingale, the “Three-To-Two”, the Labouchere, and their combinations.

They generally offer favorable odds – Roulette games have been hailed for their player-friendly payouts because they have high Return to Player which translates to greater odds of winning.

In other words, the house edge for roulette — the statistical advantage it has in favor of the house (casino) — is low compared to other casino games like scratchcards, progressive slots, etc. However, the American version of roulette has a bigger bias in favor of the gambling site.

Did you know that European and French roulettes boast a sub 2 percent house edge? Thanks to the fact that they have a single zero slot and betting options like La Partage and En Prison, they give players a considerable advantage over the house.

You can find many variants online – Although they can’t compare to slots, online casinos offer a wide selection of variants of roulette games as discussed on idealecasinos.nl. Don’t be surprised to find that some gambling sites offer roulette games featuring multiple wheels.

Some roulette games come with special bonus offers and prizes designed to keep them enticing, fresh, and exciting, as well as improve the overall online gambling experience.

On top of classics like American, French and European roulette, you can find other variants like Spingo (which combines familiar features of roulette, lotto and bingo), multi-ball roulette, multi-wheel roulette, and live dealer roulette (which is the closest thing you will get to land-based roulette experience).

Roulette is a genuinely exhilarating casino game that can jostle your adrenaline. This is especially true when you are watching the ball roll, hoping that it will land in your favor. The thrill of winning by itself makes the game worthwhile. Even still, roulette is far from a perfect game.


Cons of Roulette Games

Roulette Games

They can be very addictive – If you are not a particularly disciplined player, playing roulette games can turn into gambling addiction. With instant-play online versions, you may find yourself going deeper and deeper into losses and debt.

For that reason, prudent bankroll management is recommended when playing roulette. As with any good measure in the gambling world, it all starts by setting your ideal win and loss limits. In a case where lady-luck isn’t in your favor, you will have a cap or a point at which you will force yourself to cut your losses and quit the game.

On the flip side, if you are on a winning streak, a win limit will tell you when to call it quits and count your blessing. Chasing losses or pressing too long on a winning streak almost always ends on a bad note.

You must also not ignore the concept of statistical independence. For instance, don’t imagine that a high number will be hit next even if the last 10 or so outcomes were low numbers. All roulette results are random and statistically independent.

May require extensive skills – As a rule of thumb, the more knowledge and skill a game requires, the harder it is, and the lower the house edge. Unfortunately, some bets or roulette games that offer the best odds often call for extensive skills or knowing a difficult betting strategy.

For example, Fibonacci is one of the best roulette betting systems but it isn’t exactly easy to grasp the ins and outs of the approach. To use it, you must understand the complex mathematical concept of the Fibonacci sequence.


Slot Games – Profitable or Bankroll-Wasting?

Slot Games

If you have played at any online casino, the chances are fairly good that you’ve been tempted by the allure of slot games. First introduced to the gambling scene at the turn of the 19th century, slot machines have become a prominent part of casino gambling.

Early slot games came in the form of a coin-operated machine with a money acceptor slot. To play, players had to insert coins and yank down the arm to get the reels spinning. Slot machines now usually come with three or more reels populated by symbols and gameplay features.

The player wins or loses depending on the paytable and the combinations of matching symbols. To win, most of them need matching combinations of at least three of a kind, read from the left side of the reel toward the right.

Today’s slot games boast stunning graphics, enchanting themes, and diversity of symbols. In addition, they include special features like bonus rounds, regular and progressive jackpots, stacked wilds, multipliers, and much more.


Pros of Slot Games

Pros of Slot Games

They are truly random – This can be a blessing or a curse depending on where you sit. If you are a player who prefers strategy over luck, you are literally out of luck when it comes to slots.

Slot machines and online slots make use of Random Number Generators (RNGs). These are computerized systems that produce truly random combinations, making slots a genuine game of pure luck. This also makes it hard for slot games to be rigged, giving every player an equal chance of winning.

They are exciting and relatively easy to play – The gameplay may vary greatly from one slot game to another, but nearly all slots are simple to play. Even better, they come in a massive variety that includes video slots, video poker slots, classic slots, 3D slots, cascading slots, multi-payline slots, mobile slots, and lots more in between.

They are graphically and visually appealing as well. If you are looking for casino games that feature the richest graphics and visuals, look no further than slots. Software providers like RTG, NetEnt, Microgaming, Playtech, and Yggdrasil Gaming offer slot titles that come with cinematic-grade graphics and studio quality.

If that isn’t good enough, slots also come with a lovely range of themes to entice all levels and types of players. Here think themes such as fairy tales, mythical creatures, TV shows, films, sports, celebrities, wildlife, and much more – there’s definitely something for everyone.

Large payouts and jackpots – Compared to other casino games, slot games provide players with massive payouts. This is particularly the case for progressive slot games that come with humongous jackpots that can turn you into a multi-millionaire.

Statistically speaking, however, the chances of winning such big jackpots are very slim. However, they bring an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to the gameplay. The best news is that more and more online players keep landing on mega jackpots worth millions of dollars in the payout.

For example, an unnamed software engineer walked away with a whopping $39.7 million in Megabucks jackpot win in 2003 at Excalibur in Las Vegas. Interestingly, the LA-based engineer had a small bankroll of $100, landing the biggest jackpot in casino history.

News of such big jackpot wins is dotted all over the internet, which is why progressive jackpot slot games have lately become wildly popular online and in brick-and-mortar casinos.


Cons of Slot Games

Slot Games

Higher house edge – The payout percentage or probability of winning for most slot games is comparatively lower than the vast majority of other games offered by online casinos, including table games like roulette.

By the same token, this means that the house edge (which refers to the relative bias given by the game to the house) is relatively high. In theory, that implies that you should expect to lose more money when you play slot games than when you play other casino games.

No advance strategy can help – Even those who are accustomed to using strategies on other casino games will find that these strategies simply don’t apply to slots. They are truly random, thanks to their Random Number Generators. In a nutshell, you can’t really beat slots. If you win, it’s probably random too.

They can also be addictive – The prospects of winning a large payout or mega jackpot can easily cloud your judgment.

If you are not careful and disciplined, you can end up exhausting your savings or running into debt while playing slots. In fact, certain reports have intimated that slot games are more likely to lead to gambling problems like addiction than any other casino offerings.


Slot or Roulette Games – Which One is Better?

As we’ve seen, both types of casino games have their advantages and shortcomings. So, when it comes to choosing and comparing roulette games and slots, your choice boils down to three factors:

(a) Odds (Probability of Winning)

As with all table games, roulette games typically offer better odds or higher probability of winning than slot games. This disparity is very prominent in land-based casinos where the house edge can be as high as 35 percent.

As mentioned, slot games integrate RNG technology that not only makes the game genuinely random but also awards each slot a specific house advantage. This is usually expressed in the form of return to the player percentage, or what’s popularly called RTP.

At brick-and-mortar casinos, the RTP is substantially lower, with some Vegas casinos offering a meager RTP of 65 percent on certain slots. Comparatively, some online casinos can offer significantly higher RTP, ranging from 80 to 98 percent.

On the other hand, the RTP for roulette often varies depending on the type. When playing French Roulette, for instance, the house can be as little as 1.35 percent on even bets such as red or black, high or low, odd or even, etc. On similar bets, the house edge for the American version can be as high as 5.26 percent.

If you do the math, that means roulette RTP ranges from 94.74 to 98.65 percent, which is notably high.

However you look at it, roulette games are a clear choice if you consider only odds or house edges. So, if RTP or probability of winning is a defining factor for you, then roulette games are better for you.

(b) Potential Payouts

Money, money, money. Let’s not kid ourselves. Winning big money is always our top priority when playing at an online or physical casino. If this sounds like you, then slots will appeal the most to you.

Progressive slots, in particular, can pay out hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars when you hit a jackpot. Let’s not forget slot games come with features like bonus rounds, multipliers, stacked wilds, and minor jackpots, all of which can pay out handsomely.

For roulette, the highest payout is 35 to 1 which is pretty low compared to a bonus slot round which can pay out between 20x and 5,000x your wager.

For this reason, slot games are preferable if you are after large payouts.

(c) Type of Player

Not all casino players are created equal. If you are a tactical or strategic player, it is a no-brainer to play roulette games. However, slot games can offer much more thrill to players who are after having fun.

Because of their simple gameplay and rules, roulette games are best for newbies who want to start playing right away. If you are a high roller player, both slot and roulette games can be equally appealing depending on their bet or table limits.

Roulette games tend to have higher cash-out or withdrawal limits, which is why they are popular with whale players. In contrast, if you have a small bankroll, you can go for a low variance slot or low table limit roulette game.



It is important to consider the house edge, variance, odds, integrity, and other factors before choosing the best casino game for you. On all accounts, roulette games seem to trump slot games.

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Casino Rewards Loyalty Program – Canadian Gambling Choice

Casino Rewards Loyalty Program - Canadian Gambling Choice

There are 6 Status Levels in the Casino Rewards Loyalty Program. Depending on how much you play at a Casino Rewards Member Casino you will earn Status Points and move up or down. Status levels start from Bronze level and go all the way to Diamond.

To move up to the next Status Level, all you need is to play. The more you wager, the more Status Points you will earn, and your benefits will stay with you no matter where you play at Casinos Rewards. You can see your current status level and benefits in your Casino Lobby or in a weekly newsletter. Keep playing for a chance to reach the next level!

Once you reach a new Status Level, you are guaranteed to stay at that Level for the rest of the current month, as well as the next calendar month. Following this, you will need to maintain your level, but once you have attained a level it’s much easier to maintain.

Each Status Level offers a new set of benefits: bigger bonuses; more promotions; priority support; birthday gifts; exclusive games; personal VIP hosts; more entries into the Time Of Your Life Sweepstakes and the VIP Lucky Jackpot, and much more!

The VIP Lucky Jackpot is a special jackpot that can be won by all players playing in one of the Casino Rewards Group casinos. If you’re ever in a position to win it, don’t forget to claim it!

To sum up, if you’re looking to increase your Status Level and take advantage of some great benefits, make sure to keep playing at one of the Casino Rewards Group casinos!

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Help Me Make Sense of This

Putting Bills Into a Machine

I received the following email. It was originally intended for the Gambling with an Edge mailbag, but I felt it was too technical to be discussed over a podcast:

I know video poker has a ton of variance, but I recently endured a hellish series of events on $5 NSU Deuces Wild at a tribal casino. 

I played 67,800 hands ($1,695,000) and lost $102,375. I hit zero royals and two sets of four deuces.

The variance of this game is supposed to be 28.78. How does this translate to dollars and cents?

Losing five royals worth of money in 67,800 seems impossible. 

I think I’m playing perfectly. I’ve been a successful AP pro for 13 years, so we can assume I’m not making beginner mistakes.

Please help me make sense of this.

Wow, you’ve run very badly. Let’s look at how badly.

Most of the variance in NSU Deuces comes from royals and quad deuces. Let’s look at them individually. The royal cycle is 43,456 hands. You’ve played approximately 1.5 royal cycles. Having zero success in 1.5 cycles happens about 22% of the time. No big deal, especially if you’re hand-picking a session after it’s over. All players go through many 1.5 cycle dry spells over their playing career.

Now let’s look at quad deuces. The cycle here is 5,356 hands, and 67,800 hands is 12.65 cycles. Having two or fewer successes in 12.65 cycles happens about one time in 3,900. This is pretty unusual. 

Having this level of bad luck at royals at the same time as this level of bad luck at quad deuces is about 1-in-17,700 event. Pretty unlikely. Keep in mind, though, that whenever you’ve held two royal cards and drawn the three perfect cards to complete the royal is a 1-in-16,215 event. These two events are of similar size. Over my career I’ve connected on several hundreds of these royals. I don’t know how much video poker you’ve played, but I’m willing to bet you’ve had lots of these too. Play enough and these rare events come about a number of times.

You mentioned this game has a variance of 28.78. That’s true, except that’s the one-coin variance, which is the typical way video poker variances are displayed. To compute the variance for five coins at a time, you need to multiply by five, giving you about 144.

Being down 1.5 royals is worth $30,000 on this game. Being down 10.6 sets of deuces is worth another $53,000. The total of $83,000 in the dumpster is about 80% of what you’re down. That’s also a lot of wild royals (at $625 per), quints (at $400 per), and smaller hands that you didn’t show up on your machine. Unusual to be down that much, but obviously not impossible

All told, it’s a lot to be down. (You already knew that.)

The next question that probably comes to your mind is: Is the machine fair? Does the fact that it’s at a tribal casino suggest more chances for casino hanky-panky?

First of all, these are IGT machines. I trust them. A casino can change the pay schedule on them, but it can’t open up the machine and turn a “tighten up this sucker” switch.

Although you’ve run bad, this was “only” one and a half royal cycles. We’ve all had longer dry spells than that, although perhaps not accompanied by such a long deuce-less result as well. I’ve played at that same casino, about 45,000 hands on those machines, and am slightly ahead on this game. I’ve hit one royal (pretty much spot on expectation), and ten sets of deuces (which is slightly more than expected.) I know other players who regularly play there, and their results seem to be “within reason.”

So, I would conclude that you hit a “once in a very blue moon” dry spell. It happens. It will happen again. If you’re not broke (losing $100,000 can do that to somebody), there’s no reason to cease playing that same game at that same casino.

As it happens, my latest trip to that casino playing that game generated a negative score. (Offset by a positive score the earlier time I played this game there.) On our next trips, yours and mine and others, if the negative scores continue to happen more than usual, I’ll begin to believe that something had changed, and it may no longer be a good play. But I’m nowhere near that conclusion yet. I’m planning considerable play on these machines in 2023. This is definitely a case of me putting my money where my mouth is.


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How does backing work in Poker?

How does backing work in Poker?

But how does backing work? And what additional services does a backer provide? This guide will answer these questions and more.


In poker, backing refers to an arrangement between an investor (commonly known as a backer) and a poker player (commonly known as a horse) wherein the investor puts up funds on behalf of the player in exchange for a percentage of their profits. Backing is similar to staking, although backing implies a higher degree of involvement from the investor than merely fronting a stake.

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Relevant Terminology

See above for backing, backer and horse.

  • Profit – money made (on stake).
  • Shares – a percentage of the potential profits that is owned by an investor. Otherwise known as action, or selling/buying a piece.
  • Makeup – the amount that a player owes their backer after losing on stake. To take an example, consider a newly backed player that loses $1,000 in their first week. While the backer reloads the funds, the player is now said to be $1,000 in makeup, meaning that they must subsequently repay their losses before any profit is split. If the player goes on to win $2,000 in their second week, they are first obligated to repay the $1,000 makeup before splitting the remaining profits ($1,000/2 = $500 profit each).
  • Markup – an additional fee associated with buying shares from a player. The player decides what markup they feel is appropriate based on their skill and experience. To take an example, consider a strong player that is selling 10% of their action in a $1,000 tournament. The player has sustained a 10% Return On Investment (ROI) over a significant sample in similar tournaments; the player is, therefore, a better investment than the average player, and can charge a premium (markup) for investments. Where the face value of a 10% piece is $100 (10% of $1,000 = $100), the player charges $110 for the same share, since this price better reflects his Expected Value (EV).
  • Stable – a group of players that are staked and often coached by a specific investor. Coaching for profits (CFP) is a common type of stable, wherein a backer or backers stake and coach a group of players over a period of time in return for a cut of their profits.

How Does Backing Work?

Both the backer and horse must negotiate and agree upon the terms and conditions of their arrangement. These terms and conditions should clarify all of the necessary details to each party, such as what the horse can play, volume requirements, coaching requirements (if applicable), what percentage of profits each party is entitled to, etc.

What Is the Difference Between Backing and Staking?

As mentioned earlier, the terms ‘backing’ and ‘staking’ are often incorrectly used interchangeably. While the two are similar, a backer will also render additional non-staking services. These services may include:

  • Coaching.
  • Training materials.
  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals (often known as a CFP team).

Backers may also secure profitable rakeback deals for their players. Take advantage of exclusive rakeback deals without the commitment by signing up with an affiliate like rakerace.com!

Should You Consider Backing?


  • Diminished financial risk. Variance in poker can be severe; by getting staked as part of a backing deal, you can alleviate some of the associated financial pressure by not risking your own money.
  • Coaching and support. Coaching, support, and other benefits that you can expect from a backing agreement can be hugely valuable
  • Opportunities to play in bigger games. Staking is commonplace when it comes to playing high-stakes tournaments and cash games. By getting backed (staked) you give yourself a better chance to play in bigger games.
  • Networking and community. Mostly associated with poker stables, networking and a sense of community can be invaluable in a game as independent and often isolating as poker.


  • Reduced profit share. The main downside to staking as part of backing is, inevitably, that you’re no longer entitled to your profits in their entirety.
  • Contractual obligations. From volume requirements to game and format selection, contractual obligations mean you’ll have someone (your backer) to answer to.
  • Makeup. While your financial exposure is significantly diminished, the idea of makeup (being indebted to your backer) can be daunting to some.

To summarize, backing can provide a much-needed financial safety net, along with a myriad of other benefits such as regular coaching and a sense of community. That said, it’s also important to consider the potential downsides of backing, like a reduced profit share and various contractual obligations. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether backing makes sense as part of your unique poker journey.

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Vegas Values Report – Details on the Best Casino Promotions in Las Vegas!

Vegas Values Report - Details on the Best Casino Promotions in Las Vegas!

See the best Las Vegas casino promotions! Come back the second Sunday of each month to find the best values in Las Vegas. Updated by Scot Krause, our Las Vegas promotions reporter. The Vegas Values report is also available as a RSS feed. Copy this URL- http://feeds.feedburner.com/VegasValues and paste it into your RSS reader, or Subscribe to Vegas Values by Email

Here’s what we found!

Rampart: Gear Up Television Giveaway. Promotion runs through Nov. 30. Select slots on the casino floor will feature a random prize award where one lucky winner will win a 55” or 65” 4k Smart TV. When the prize hits, other players playing at that same time will win $20 in free slot play.

Silver Sevens: 77-cent Bottled Beer (Bud, Bud Light or Michelob Ultra) available during all NFL games. $7.77 Game Day Special: Two Hot Dogs, Two Bags of Chips & 22oz. Bud, Bud Light or Michelob Ultra. 

Rampart: Guests who place a Parlay Card Wager at Rampart Casino’s Race & Sporks Book for $50 (wagers can be combined during a single trip to the window) or more will receive a coupon for free Chicken Fingers, Hamburgers, or Hot Dog, all served with a side of fries. Or guests can choose a coupon for $5 off brunch at Market Place Buffet. Offer valid through the end of the football season.

Two FREE Slot Tournament with over $2,400 in prize money! – The publishers of the American Casino Guide have created a website to play in slot tournaments for FREE! New tournaments begin the first of each month and last all month long. No download is needed and you can play right away!  You get 7,500 credits to play and the top scorers win a  prize – and you can play up to five times for FREE! To play, or for more details, go to: https://www.freeslottournaments.com/  Please note that you must be 18, or older, to play. Good luck!

Westgate: Superbook bet $100 get $100 with a new mobile app account. Visit WOW Casino Rewards for official rules and details.

Sahara: October 70th Anniversary Casino Promotion: $70 On Us. Upon signing up for an Infinity Rewards account, new members will receive $70 in free slot play if they lose $70 in a day on slots or video poker. New Infinity Rewards members may choose to participate in either this promotion or SAHARA’s New Member Kicker.

El Cortez: Cash is King Drawing Oct. 8 at 3 pm. Players receive an entry ticket for every 1,000 slot points earned on their Club Cortez card. Double earning period October 1 – 8. Play during this time earns tickets in both October 8 and December 10 Cash is King drawings. 1st Prize: $5,000; 2nd Prize: $3,000; 3rd Prize: $2,000; plus thirty $500 Prizes

Plaza: Pick Your Pumpkin Kiosk Game every Monday in October. Earn 50 base points on Monday for the month of October for a chance to win up to $1,000 prior to swiping at the Kiosk to participate. 

Skyline: Monday Night Football: FREE Hotdogs, $1 draft beers, & cash prize giveaways.

Longhorn/Bighorn: Earn scratch cards in October for cash ($5-50 freeplay) or gas gift cards ($25-50.)

Plaza: $20,000 Boo-Tastic Blackjack Tournament October 28-30. Top Prize takes $10,000. During the qualification period guest will need to accumulate 4 hours’ worth of play on a live Blackjack table for one 24-hour period (not split throughout the qualifying days.) Complimentary entries will be determined by a Casino Host. Qualification Period 12am on 10/23 thru 11:59PM on 10/28.

Get FREE casino coupons on our website and our apps. To see what FREE coupons are currently being offered, visit our Las Vegas Casino Coupons page  We periodically add new coupons, so please check back often. New coupons last added to that page on 9/1/22.

Arizona Charlie’s: Arizona Charlie’s Decatur, located at 740 S. Decatur Blvd., Arizona Charlie’s Boulder, located at 4575 Boulder Hwy. and Pahrump Nugget Hotel & Casino, located at 681 S Hwy. 160 and Lakeside Casino & RV Park, located at 5870 Homestead Rd., have announced the Bigger Bingo Coverall, a new side game now available to play. Arizona Charlie’s, Pahrump Nugget Hotel & Casino and Lakeside Casino & RV Park have debuted the Bigger Bingo Coverall, a progressive jackpot shared between the properties. Bingo players will have the chance to spin the bingo coverall wheel to determine their prize percentage. Players can win up to 100% of the progressive jackpot, which begins at $10,000, in 55 numbers or less.

Jerry’s Nugget: On October 31, receive a slim line charger with Jerry’s Nugget photo background with $40 minimum bingo buy-in. While supplies last.

Plaza: Super Bingo Event: Oct 11-12. Entry fee $160. All players receive: One (1) 6-on paper pack for both days of Super Bingo; 2 Daubers; Free Drinks all sessions; Boxed lunch both sessions; $10 in Free Slot Play after 1st Day session.

South Point: Gift Giveaway. Monday through Thursday in October, guests who earn up to 1,800 points on slots, video reels or video poker will receive a weekly gift and keep their points. Earn and redeem all four weekly gifts and receive a bonus gift of $100 free play. Oct. 3—6: South Point unisex full zip jacket. Oct. 10—13: South Point 400 men’s or women’s polo shirt. Oct. 17—20: South Point 400 folding chair. Oct. 24—27: South Point men’s or women’s ¼ zip pullover.

Plaza: New Member Promotion: New Plaza Rewards members receive: $10 Match Play for blackjack, roulette or craps tables plus up to $50 Free Slot Play. See Plaza Rewards for details.

Video Poker Training Software– One of the best ways to improve your playing skills is to use video poker software. By practicing with software you will easily be able to identify the best-paying machines in any casino, plus you will be able to practice playing those games so you can play at a near-perfect level. Our website has a page to get details on the bestselling video poker software:  Winpoker. It is available in both an instant download format, or on a CD to play on your Windows computer. For more information, go to our video poker software page.

Rampart: Rampart-y Super Slot Progressive •Play more than 400 “Must Win Progressive” games in the casino and win up to $2,022 in free slot play 
•All other players with their players card inserted will also win $22 when the progressive hits (ongoing until further notice)

Binion’s: Daily free slot tournament if you earn 100 points for a chance to win up to $100 in free slot play. All low scores are guaranteed a free T-shirt or cap.

Silverton: Las Vegas Football Suite Giveaway through December 29. Win two Stadium Suite tickets to a Las Vegas football home game. 200 Points = 1 Entry
Thursday, October 13 – Houston on 10/23
Thursday, November 3 – Indianapolis on 11/13
Thursday, November 24 – Los Angeles on 12/4
Thursday, December 8 – New England on 12/18
Thursday, December 22 – San Francisco on 1/1
Thursday, December 29 – Kansas City on 1/8
See Silverton Rewards Club for rules and details. Earn drawing entries starting September 1. Entries will roll over until the final drawing. Winners are posted by 5pm on each drawing date. Must be 21 years of age or older.

Get our FREE App! – We are no longer publishing our annual guide book with casino coupons. However, all of the detailed casino information from our book on all US casinos is now available for FREE on our website, as well as on our FREE iOS and Android apps. Get the American Casino Guide Android app NOW!    Or, download the iOS app NOW!   Also, if you already have the app installed, be sure to upgrade to the latest version to enjoy all of the benefits it offers.

Silverton: Has launched special perks for hospitality employees who power the city’s tourism industry throughout the Las Vegas valley. As part of the new Hospitality Employee Salute Tuesdays program, Las Vegas hospitality employees are given special perks every Tuesday, including discounts at Silverton restaurants, special happy hour rates at casino lounges, and even free “Swipe and Win” promotions in the casino. The program salutes a broad list of employees who work in the hospitality industry, including casinos, hotels, restaurants, retail shops, and shows. It also includes employees who support the hospitality industry, like cab drivers, Uber and Lyft drivers and airline employees. This new program is in addition to the casino’s popular FAB50+ Senior Salute Mondays and Military and Veteran Salute Wednesdays, which offer similar perks to those communities.

Rampart: Spiedini Fiamma Italian Bistro Opens October 5. Spiedini Fiamma is the newest addition to the culinary line up at Rampart Casino and JW Marriott Las Vegas. Featuring a robust menu of Italian coastal cuisine that give the feeling of dining in an Italian neighborhood cafe. $5 Happy Hour beginning Oct. 23 in the bar area from 4-6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. Select items starting at $5. Open daily from 5-9 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 5-10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday

FREE 14-day Gold Membership at videopoker.com – No credit card required! – videopoker.com is operated by Action Gaming, the developer of the most popular games including: 3-play, 5-play, 10-play, 100-play, Ultimate X, Quick Quads, and Super Times Pay. It’s the only place you can play the same video poker games found in casinos. We have a special, exclusive offer that allows you to get a Free 14-day Gold membership and no credit card information is required! With this Gold membership, besides playing your favorite video poker games, you will also learn the proper strategies for playing all of your hands. Plus, you will have the ability to change the pay tables to match up to the same pay tables that you will find in the casinos where you like to play! Try it free for 14 days with no need to enter any credit information – only by using this link – www.videopoker.com/acg

Circa/D Las Vegas/Golden Gate: Club One Player’s Club members can earn entries all year long at Circa Resort & Casino, the D Las Vegas and the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino. Be one of three winners in monthly qualifying drawings and advance your entry into the grand prize drawing barrel. The grand prize drawing will be held on November 19, 2022.

Sahara: NFL football watch parties held at AZILO Ultra Pool every Sunday, featuring a 240-foot LED video wall, live DJ performances and food and beverage specials. In addition to broadcasting live football games, visitors are also invited to check out AZILO’s Tailgate Zone featuring brand activation stations as well as poolside tailgate games and prizes, including corn hole, giant Jenga, beer pong and more. Attendees can also order from the specialty tailgate BBQ menu featuring char-grilled ribeye steaks, Italian sausages, burgers and chicken. Specialty football-themed cocktails, including Casamigos Blanco Tequila Black & Silver Margaritas, Bloody Marys, Orange Crush and Purple People Eater, will also be available. Lastly, foodies are invited to partake in SAHARA Las Vegas’s Ultimate Tailgate Eating Challenge. To complete the challenge, participants must purchase the Ultimate Tailgate Eating Challenge platter for $85 and eat the following in one hour or less: two grilled cheese sandwiches, three hamburger patties with cheddar cheese, six bacon slices, six chicken tenders, onion rings and French fries served with melted cheese. Anyone that finishes their platter within the hour will win an authentic football jersey.

FREE No Deposit Online Casino Bonuses!: Like to play at online casinos? The American Casino Guide’s sister website has more than 30 exclusive offers that give you FREE casino cash when you open a new account! No credit card information is required and there is no need to deposit any money. To see those offers, go to: https://www.americancasinobonuses.com

Ongoing Las Vegas Casino Deals

We also give information on the best promotions in Las Vegas that are offered on a continuing basis. Click to see the latest edition of the Ongoing Vegas Values reports



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Buffalo slot machines review: How and where to play

Buffalo slots Machine

Buffalo slots Machine

Buffalo is without a doubt one of the most loved and played slot machines ever, especially the classic version that’s found in almost all casinos and gambling rooms across the US.

It wasn’t until 2012, however, that Aristocrat produced the online version of Buffalo slot machines. And it also became an instant hit with newbie and seasoned slot players alike.

Buffalo slot machines boast some of the best graphics, rich gameplay, and plenty of ways to bet and win. In fact, it was one of the first slot machines to ditch the old 243-way reel betting system for the robust Xtra Reel Power system.

Today, there are a ton of fabulous versions of Buffalo slot machines to play at an online or land-based casino, including Buffalo Grand, Buffalo Stampede, Buffalo Gold, and the spanking new Diamond edition.

With a fresh look & feel, the slot is more popular than ever and has certainly made a name for the Australian gaming software developer.

What makes Buffalo slot machines stand out and so popular? More importantly, is playing the slot game worth your time and money?

For all the answers and more, please read this top-down review of Buffalo slot machines.

Buffalo Slot Machines: an Iconic Slot That Continues to Push the Envelope

iconic slot

You don’t need to look far and hard to realize that Buffalo is hands down the most popular slot machine in the United States. Walk into any Vegas casino, and you’d be surprised to find a row of Buffalo slot machines fully occupied by satisfied players.

Even in the online casino realm, a lot is going for the slot. It has cut a niche for itself in the past six or so years, eclipsing other wildly successful slots like Mega Moolah, Hall of Gods, Starburst, and Wheel of Fortune when it comes to player numbers and online casinos that carry it.

Whether you are in the UK, Australia, Canada or here in the US, you will have no trouble finding a Buffalo slot machine in a land-based casino. If you are a Las Vegas fanatic, head over to Harrah’s Hotel & Casino, and you’ll be overwhelmed by the number of machines right at the heart of the slot room.

Buffalo Slot Machines Review: Symbols and Gameplay

review slot machines

At the core, Buffalo is a standard five-reel video slot machine featuring 4 rows populated by up to 1024 betways or ways to pay.

All winning combinations pay from the leftmost end towards the right and are paid as multipliers of the wager on a per reel basis.

The exception is Scatter wins which are paid as a multiple of the total wager and are paid in any combination. The slot features scatter symbols, wild symbols, and other special bonus features, helping keep the play interesting as well as rewarding.

Scatter Symbol

Scatter Symbol

The Scatter symbol is represented by a Gold Liberty coin in the Buffalo slot game. The Free Spins bonus feature is activated when 3 or more Scatter symbols appear anywhere on the board. They pay as follows:

  • Five (5) of a kind pays 20x the total wager
  • Four (4) of a kind pays 10x the total wager
  • Two (2) of a kind pays twice the total bet.

Wild Symbol

Wild Symbol

Buffalo slot games come with non-stacked Wilds. The Wilds are depicted by the Sunset symbol which can land only on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reels. When it appears on any of these reels, the Sunset (Wild) symbol can substitute for all other symbols except for Scatters.

When the Wild symbol substitutes for other symbols on the reels, the Sunset symbol shines bright or glistens before replacing them on the tiles. As such, every Wild count toward the winning combo.

No Pay Lines!

This is perhaps what makes Buffalo a stand-out slot game.

Unlike most video slots, Buffalo slot machines don’t feature pay lines. Instead, they employ the Reel Power betting system, the latest creation by Aristocrat. This not only adds some sizzle to the game but also builds trust, which means you don’t have to worry about if the slot game is rigged.

Instead of activating pay lines with credit/money, you can buy positions or tiles in the playing area represented by 5 reels by 4 rows in five levels. In other words, the first four Reel Power levels buy one to four reels, beginning from the screen’s left side, as well as all positions/tiles on the third row.

With that in mind, instead of wagering on a per-line basis as with many slot games, with Buffalo you bet per reel. Moreover, there is a wager multiplier associated with each of the five reels.

Other Key Symbols

Again, Buffalo slot boasts five classic reels, each with 4 spaces that can deliver more than a thousand betting ways. The reels can be filled with any of the 13 different symbols, with every symbol having its paytable.

The low value symbols are the standard playing card ranks, starting from nine through Ace — i.e. 9, 10, J, Q, K, and A.

The Ace is unsurprisingly the most important of the card symbols. It’s represented by a green gemstone emblazoned with a red-colored letter A. Three of a kind pays 10x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 50x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

The King is represented by an orange letter K. Three of a kind pays 10x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 50x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

The Queen is depicted by the letter Q in yellow. Three of a kind pays 5x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 20x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

The Jack is represented by the letter J in blue. Three of a kind pays 5x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 20x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

The Ten is depicted by number 10 in red. Three of a kind pays 5x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 10x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

The Nine is represented by the number 9 in green. Two of a kind pays 2x per bet on the reel, three of a kind pays 5x wager per reel, four of a kind pays 10x, while five of a kind pays 100x the bet per reel.

Apart from the two special symbols mentioned above (Scatters and Wilds), the remaining 5 are animal symbols, namely: the Buffalo, the Puma, the Eagle, the Elk, and the Wolf.

The Buffalo (actually American Bison) is the only stacked symbol, and the highest paying, for that matter. When two of a kind appear, it pays 10x the wager per reel. Similarly, three of a kind pays 50x, four of a kind pays 100x, and full house (five of a kind) pays 300x bet per reel.

The Puma and the Eagle (Bald eagle, to be precise) are the next most valuable symbols on the Buffalo slot game. They pay similarly, with three of a kind paying 50x your bet per reel, while 4 of a kind and 5 of a kind pay 100x and 150x your bet per reel respectively.

Both the Elk and the Wolf pay 20x your wager per reel for three of a kind, while four of a kind and five of a kind pay 80x and 120x your wager per reel respectively.

The Free Spins Bonus Game

free spins

The bonus rounds add to the excitement of playing Buffalo slot machines, which is why it is one of the best slots in Las Vegas.

The Free Spins bonus game is triggered when 3 or more Scatters appear on any place on the screen, including non-purchased tiles/positions. The number of free spins you receive will depend on the number of Scatter symbols that appear on the reels.

You will get 8 free spins for 3 Scatters, 15 free games for 4 Scatters, and a whopping 20 free spins for 5 Scatters.

The good news is that you can receive additional free games when you’re playing the bonus round with free spins. For instance, you will get 5 free spins when a set of two Scatters appear concurrently on the screen during the bonus game.

But that isn’t all. All free spin winnings are increased twofold or threefold by the Wild symbol appearing anywhere on the screen. This is purely random, and the multiplier is shown on the board.

On the overall, the total win per spin can be multiplied during the bonus game up to 27x.

Popular Versions of Buffalo Slot Machines

What we love about Aristocrat is that every Buffalo version they release becomes a huge hit. These new variants are more robust and offer more rewarding features than the last, all while retaining the best features and bonuses.

The classic Buffalo slot machines were replaced by deluxe version. It was very similar to the original, except for the fact that you’d pick the multiplier of the Buffalo symbols. This choice game with a small catch.

If you choose a larger multiplier (the highest was 5x), then you receive fewer free spins in case you activate the bonus game.

The Stampede version came right after the deluxe edition. It came with portrait screen, and it felt a bit fresh with Buffalos running up the screen. Aristocrat followed this version with the two most popular versions — the Buffalo Grand and Buffalo Gold slots.

The two came with bigger screen real estate, new bonus games, and more innovative features such as spinning wheels. The latest iteration is the Diamond edition which is one of the most exciting and innovative versions yet.

Let’s take a closer look at each popular version.

(a) Buffalo Stampede Slot Machines

This version came right after the deluxe edition. From afar to a newbie player, it looked very similar to the original version. For instance, it integrated all the attractive features of the original slot, including the Wilds, Scatters, and Bonus game.

Buffalo Stampede was and is still unmistakably fun and rewarding to play. However, it comes with a tiny price: it’s not exactly cheap to play, with a 70-cent minimum bet per spin.

Perhaps the most prominent new addition was the animation of the Buffalo symbol that seems to charge straight at you on the screen. It also waved the lasso on the screen, making the slot quite exciting.

The buffalos also appeared from the bottom on the stampede, running up across the screen. Their move upwards elongated the screen, increasing the number of rows. This implied that you could win on a far higher number of paylines during the Buffalo stampede.

Much akin to the original version, the Buffalo Stampede games offer the player an opportunity to re-activate the free spins bonus game. That is because you only require 2 bonus symbols to re-activate the game, including Scatters and Wilds.

(b) Buffalo Gold

buffalo gold

Just like the original version, Buffalo Gold is an All Ways slot with Scatters and Wild symbols. Unlike the Stampede and deluxe versions that are relatively expensive, however, you can spin the Buffalo Gold slot machine with just 40 cents per spin.

Plus, you can garner massive wins during the bonus game. In fact, it is not uncommon for some players to rake in up to $4,000 or more when playing Buffalo Gold bonus round.

Whereas the classic edition provides you with a standard free spins bonus game, the Buffalo Gold version gives you a collection bonus game. What that means is that you can collect Gold Buffalo coins that will convert symbols into jackpot symbols for the rest of the bonus game, increasing your chances of winning by a huge margin.

To win the maximum payout, you will have to land all of the 15 golden Buffalos. When this happens, you can hit one of the biggest jackpot payouts. And the best part is that the bets can usually be adjusted so it won’t cost you a fortune.

Another advantage of playing Buffalo Gold slot is that it comes with a very commendable RTP. That implies that you can get plenty of playtime  out of the game even if you have a small to medium bankroll.

It is worth noting that, while Buffalo Gold is generally a generous slot, it occasionally goes through sporadic spells where there are no free spins triggered or decent wins made. This is where you patience can pay handsomely.

(c) Buffalo Grand Slot Machines

buffalo grand slot

The Grand is perhaps the most enjoyable version of all Buffalo slot machines out there. It offers plenty of entertainment, but this doesn’t necessarily translate into value for money.

From experience, it looks like the Grand favors high-roller players who bet more money per spin. This is because the jackpot can only be triggered when you have wagered the maximum bet, which is totally different from the gameplay of Buffalo Gold and Stampede.

The bottom line is that if you are a low-stakes slot player, you can expect to deal with lower payouts, which means you will most probably run through your bankroll a lot quicker.

On a more positive note, the Grand lives up to its hype when it comes to fabulous graphics, and high-stakes players have a bigger chance of landing huge payouts.

In a nutshell, the Grand is not for small-time slot players who’d like to turn their pennies into gold. It’s for high rollers who want to get value for their status of play.

Another upside of this version is that the screen is so big, housing a lot more paylines than the previous edition. This multiplies your probability of landing a decent win, even if you are playing a minimum bet. Unfortunately, that also means it can guzzle up your entire bankroll in a few spins.

(d) Additional Versions

Aristocrat has released numerous other successful and not-so-successful versions in between and after the three editions mentioned above.

For example, one highly popular version allows the player to pick the volatility of the game. Interestingly, you can find versions with different math in different countries, casinos or areas of the country.

Buffalo Max is a version designed for high-roller players. It’s meant to reward players who play more, but it doesn’t seem to have any traction with its target audience. Perhaps, gamblers have given it a cold shoulder for punishing them for wagering 40 cents rather than playing the max bet of $4.

The latest version released by Aristocrat is the Diamond edition as part of its tenth anniversary. The slot machine is what it seems to be – it has a honeycomb feel and look to the reels, and boasts 4K display to boot.

Buffalo Slot Machines Review: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Are Buffalo Slot Machines Penny Slots?

No, you will not be able to play Buffalo slot machines with a penny per spin. However, the slot machine has been designed similarly as a penny slot. That might be the reason why most people keep thinking it is a penny slot. If you want to learn more about this topic, here is a handy guide to penny slots.

Who Designs and Makes Buffalo Slot Machines?

From the original to the Diamond Edition, all Buffalo slot machines were designed and produced by Aristocrat, one of the best providers of slot machines and games for the US casino industry.

Where can I Play Buffalo Slots?

flamingo casino

The allure of Buffalo slot machines is that they are so popular with players and casinos that they are found virtually everywhere. In Vegas, you can find them at hotel lobbies and of course on casino slot floors. Flamingo Casino or Harrah’s Hotel are some of the greatest venues.

Online is where the action is as far as Buffalo slot games are concerned. Here, you can try out every version to figure out which one is best for your style of play and bankroll.

Major gambling sites like Slots lv (you can read our comprehensive Slots lv review here) offer several versions of the game.

Are Buffalo Slot Machines Rigged?

To the best of our knowledge and experience, we have found Buffalo slot machines to be credible and trustworthy. If you want to learn more about how to choose a safe and reputable slot, please read this article that explains all about slot rigging.

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The Star Is Ready to Implement Remediation Program

The Star Is Ready to Implement Remediation Program

Image Source: Shutterstock (photo by: Marco Huang12)

After inviting Zhan Spalding to join its senior leadership team in the freshly created general manager surveillance Queensland position in September and further proving its support for gender equality, The Star Entertainment Group is back with a fresh announcement. Allen & Overy, its appointed team of independent advisers, has just finished its first report. The news is good. 

The casino giant is prepared to initiate its remediation program after it was established that it did not have the right to hold a New South Wales casino license in Sydney. At the beginning of October, NSW Independent Casino Commission chairman Phillip Crawford also fined The Star $100 million for failing to prevent money laundering and criminal activities. Crawford decided to suspend the Sydney license at the end of a lengthy, four-month inquiry led by Adam Bell, senior counsel.

Allen & Overy was hired by The Star at the beginning of August. The advisers spent the last month reviewing a total of 46 documents, interviewing 20 staff members, and observing 12 hours of planning meetings. The law company explained it was critical for the Australian group to keep its authority and capabilities of their new in-house transformation office to guarantee the success of the remediation program. 

The Group Understands the Challenges It Faces 

After talking to a series of board members and executives, the team of advisers concluded that the company now fully grasps the “challenge it faces” in fixing the original causes that have led to its license being revoked. They added that The Star was fully prepared to restore trust in the industry and that it has shown its intentions to do so. These conclusions were issued in spite of the fact that the advisers did not interview new chief executive Robbie Cooke. The same report described the remediation program as “sufficiently developed” for the group’s board to consider putting it into practice. At the same time, the Allen & Overy report explained that there are still a few key questions that require an answer. For example, the group is still missing an update in terms of performance at the executive level performance. At the same time, The Star did not include a post-implementation phase in its timeline. 

Newly appointed Nicholas Weeks from Wexted Advisor is the new special manager that will manage The Star Sydney for a minimum of three months. In the meanwhile, Allen & Overy will continue to keep an eye on all developments by getting input from Weeks and other persons that may be appointed to similar roles in the upcoming future.

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