Cómo la Administración del Tiempo Puede ser un Salvavidas –

Preventing the Link Between Crime & Problem Gambling

Si usted es un planificador experto o es más una persona que va con la corriente, la administración del tiempo puede ser un salvavidas y reducir el riesgo de desarrollar comportamientos problemáticos de apuestas.  Si bien puede sonar como un engorro, ejercer una buena administración del tiempo puede ayudarle a aprovechar al máximo su día. Siga leyendo para saber más sobre estrategias sencillas de administración del tiempo y cómo practicar comportamientos de apuestas responsables para mantener su vida en el buen camino y apegada a su calendario. 

Sugerencias para la administración del tiempo

¿No tiene suficiente tiempo en el día? ¿Demasiado tiempo en sus manos? De cualquier manera, planificar su horario y reservar tiempo para desconectarse y tiempo para trabajar en sus habilidades de recuperación pueden ayudarle a mantener un equilibrio saludable. De hecho, administrar bien su tiempo es un componente clave para las apuestas responsables. A veces, cuando se apuesta, las personas pueden sentirse desconectadas de la realidad y perder la noción del tiempo. Sin embargo, cuando las personas designan momentos para tomarse descansos y se ajustan a ellos, esto puede ayudar a los apostadores a reconectarse con la realidad y obtener el control de sus emociones, ya que hacer apuestas puede crear una liberación de dopamina en el cerebro y dar a los participantes un tipo de “subidón” que puede nublar el juicio. 

Si elige limitar o restringir sus apuestas, ya sea limitando el tiempo empleado, cuánto dinero se apuesta o de otra manera, es esencial hacer un plan y cumplirlo. Una buena manera de reducir el tiempo dedicado a las apuestas es invertir su tiempo en otras actividades, entre ellas:

  • Estructurar el tiempo todos los días para que no haya tiempo “libre”
  • Permanecer en el momento siendo consciente de lo que está haciendo
  • Pasar tiempo con amigos y familiares que lo apoyen
  • Asistir a reuniones de grupos de apoyo 
  • Leer los libros de trabajo de recuperación de autoayuda, disponibles al comunicarse con 888-ADMIT-IT
  • Revisión de videos en línea – disponible a través de 888-ADMIT-IT

Muchas personas que apuestan creen que no necesitan tomarse descansos, pero, cuanto más se ignoran las restricciones de tiempo, más peligrosas pueden llegar a ser las apuestas.  Una buena práctica es hacerse cargo de su horario escribiendo las cosas que planea hacer ese día para reflejar dónde puede haber tiempo libre. En el caso de los apostadores problemáticos, el tiempo libre puede ser peligroso, por lo que, de nuevo, estructurar su tiempo es esencial.

Prácticas de apuestas responsables 

Administrar mejor el tiempo es un gran primer paso para las apuestas responsables, pero hay muchos otros enfoques positivos que se pueden implementar, entre ellos: 

  • No apostar cuando está molesto, estresado, cansado o distraído
  • Nunca apostar bajo la influencia de sustancias
  • No apostar con dinero destinado a cosas esenciales
  • No perseguir pérdidas

Siempre es el momento adecuado para la recuperación

En la vida, todo se reduce al momento adecuado, y cuando se trata de problemas con las apuestas, cuanto antes encuentren la ayuda y la esperanza que necesitan los que están en riesgo y sus seres queridos, mejor. La recuperación comienza con Your One Sure Thing, la línea de ayuda para problemas de juego multilingüe y confidencial las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, 888-ADMIT-IT. Aquí, las personas que experimentan dificultades con las apuestas y las personas cercanas a ellas pueden encontrar los recursos necesarios para dar sus primeros pasos en la recuperación; y recuerde, nunca es demasiado tarde o demasiado temprano para obtener ayuda.

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How Do I Figure? – Gambling With An Edge

Putting Bills Into a Machine

I received the following email. It requires more analysis than I normally do without charge for strangers, but since I can get a column out of it, why not?

Upcoming video poker excursion commencing Friday, leaving Saturday evening.  

 Playing exclusively $1 9/6 JOB 99.54%.  

 My Offers for this Trip:

 1 night comp’d in the best tower on a Friday night, no taxes or resort fees.  

  1. $50 Walmart Gift Card to pick-up (Friday)
  2. $50 Bonus Slot Play (not sure if this can be played on VP since I’m fairly new to the casino) – Saturday only
  3. 4x Tier Credits all day Saturday 7a-midnight – likely all of my play will be Saturday

 How do I calculate whether I have an advantage or not, or is it even mathematically possible? 

Okay. I wasn’t given enough information to completely analyze this, but let’s give it a shot. The following are things to consider in no particular order:

9/6 Jacks or Better does indeed return 99.544% — if you play it accurately. Many players do not play it accurately. You don’t automatically receive that return by showing up. So, how well do you play this game?

A free room is nice, and a nicer room is better than a standard room, but I don’t include this in my calculation as to whether or not I have an advantage. I have a place to stay at home that I’m paying for whether I’m there or not. Just because other people might be charged $200 to stay in that room doesn’t mean that me not paying for it adds $200 to my equity.

On the other hand, how much is it costing me to get to this casino? If it’s 15 miles away, I’m not taking that into consideration (other than for tax reasons.) If it’s 1,500 miles away and I have significant expenses to get there which are not being reimbursed by the casino, then that definitely should count as negative Expected Value.

If you view playing video poker as a hobby, and hobbies cost money, then it can be easy to justify an airfare expenditure as part of the cost of enjoying your hobby. But this does not mean that you’re gambling with an edge. It means you are, maybe, paying less than retail to enjoy your hobby.

I include the gift card and free play at face value. To be sure, I’d rather have $100 in cash than a $50 gift card and $50 free play, but it’s “close enough.” If it were a $50 Chevron card, however, that’s not worth so much to me. Nothing against Chevron. It’s just that I drive an electric car and don’t buy gas.   

This letter stipulates that he picks up the gift card on Friday but isn’t going to play until Saturday. Are you going to spend the rest of Friday costlessly? 

Picking up a gift but not playing on a particular day may or may not sit well with the casino. Doing this occasionally is no big deal. Making a practice out of it may well cause the casino to stop giving you these gifts. Remember, even though players generally see these gifts as a reward for past play, casinos generally see these rewards as an incentive to get you to come in and play more. If you collect the gift but do not play more, and do this regularly, some casinos will punish you by not giving you these rewards in the future. 

Playing 9/6 Jacks or Better costs you, on average, $45.60 per $10,000 coin-in. It isn’t specified how much is going to be played. If you only play $1,000 that weekend, it’ll cost you $4.56 on average, but you’re not likely going to get these offers in the future. If you play $100,000 that weekend (not likely on a $1 single line game), your expected loss is $456, which swamps the offers you are scheduled to received.

The $50 in free play and the $50 gift card are “one time stock amounts.” The losing of $45.60 per $10,000 coin-in is a “recurring flow amount.” You can’t really add up stock amounts and flow amounts. If you say, I’m going to play $xxxx amount of coin-in, and that is going to cost me 0.00456 * $xxxx, then the Expected Value of what you’re going to play becomes a specific stock amount which can be offset by the other stock amounts. But so long as it’s a nebulous amount of play, the amounts are not addable.

You mention that you’ll receive 4x tier credits. That’s nice. That’s clearly better than 2x tier credits. But I have no idea what tier credits are worth at this casino to you. (I don’t know which casino or even in which state this casino is located.) Are you planning on playing enough to reach a particular tier level in the requisite time. (Usually, tiers are recalculated annually or semi-annually. January 1 through December 31 is perhaps the most typical time interval to calculate tiers, but it can be April 1 – September 30, or any other interval.)

If a free (actually “highly discounted”) cruise is part of your tier benefits, is this something of value to you? Some people like cruising. Some don’t. Some have a cruising partner. Others don’t and may not like taking a cruise unaccompanied. If a daily free buffet is a tier benefit, and you’re only going to be at this casino for four days the entire year, then this isn’t such a big deal. Even if you plan to be at this casino fifty or more times, eating at the same place so frequently gets to be rather tiresome. If free internet is a benefit but you’re wary of using free internet and always travel with your own secure hot spot, then this benefit isn’t worth anything to you. You get the idea. A list of benefits in a brochure is not the same as the value to you – which may very well be different than the value of the same tier level to me.

You mention tier credits. Do you earn other credits and how much are they worth? The Caesars system, for example, gives you Reward Credits as well as Tier Credits. You can spend these RCs for food, merchandise, and other things. You can even turn them into free play — discounted 50%. Is there anything similar to this at this particular casino?

Are there other benefits you didn’t mention? Perhaps drawing tickets for a new car at the end of the month? You’re not likely to earn enough tickets playing one day of single-line dollars to give you a meaningful shot at this, but if you’re going to be at this casino anyway when the drawing is going on, surely this drawing is worth something.

Finally, unless this is your last time at this casino ever (in which case your tier level is irrelevant), you’ll be earning benefits down the road for your play this time. You might get free play in the mail. You might get future offers similar to the current one. You can’t take this one weekend in isolation. It’s part of the overall package.

I go through this kind of calculation for every offer I get. I play at enough casinos that I frequently have choices of offers at more than one place. I use the process described here to rank these offers. Sometimes I can take advantage of two or more offers in the same time period, but usually they are mutually exclusive.

And whatever answer I come up with this weekend, next weekend I’ll go through the same process again to decide what to do then.


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National Caregivers Day & Senior Independence Month

Preventing the Link Between Crime & Problem Gambling

The generations before us have paved the way for our future and the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling is taking this opportunity to celebrate the senior citizens in our lives during Senior Independence Month. This month was designed to honor a senior’s independence and draw attention to activities and programs that can help them maintain it. Independence doesn’t mean doing life alone, making this a great opportunity to also recognize those who care for seniors and countless others on National Caregiver’s Day on February 17th. One way of honoring seniors and their caregivers is to raise awareness about compulsive gambling and available resources.

Why Seniors Are at Higher Risk 

While many seniors are entering a new season of life filled with more free time to spend with loved ones or to pursue passions, there is a greater risk to develop problem gambling behaviors as they attempt to fill time gaps or other voids. Seniors are more at-risk of the effects of problem gambling because: 

  • Many live on fixed incomes with a limited ability for future earnings
  • Challenges with cognitive and/or physical decline
  • Boredom or feelings of loneliness or isolation 
  • They are significantly more likely to have a generalized anxiety or substance use disorder [1]

The Importance of Choosing a Dependable Caregiver

Caregivers come in many forms and whether it’s another family member or a hired professional, it’s essential to use caution when choosing the person caring for our older loved ones. Caregivers are responsible for taking the person under their care to appointments, preparing meals, housekeeping, assisting with bill paying, and more. However, caregiving can become overwhelming, so the person you choose needs to have healthy ways of coping, so they too do not seek escape via problem gambling behaviors. 

How a Caregiver’s Gambling Problem Can Affect Loved Ones

The ripple effects of a caregiver’s gambling problem can be felt by clients and families, though in some cases clients may be unable to clearly communicate concerns.  

If a caregiver has developed problem gambling behaviors, this can lead to financial exploitation of their client to feed the gambling addiction. This exploitation may not be noticed before items are missing or a large sum of money has been misappropriated. Beyond financial exploitation, caregivers may also introduce their clients to gambling to fill free time. 

How to Identify Exploitation 

Most people employ a caregiver when they are unable to tend to their loved ones 24/7. Understanding the importance of monitoring what goes on when no one else is around, is essential. Here are a few ways to identify elder exploitation due to gambling: 

  • Missing jewelry, money, or other possessions in client’s home
  • Sudden changes or large withdrawals from financial accounts
  • Unauthorized withdrawals from ATMs 
  • Client and caregiver are not where they are supposed to be when conducting unannounced visits

Fortunately, help is available for problem gamblers, loved ones, professionals, and others. Your One Sure Thing, 888-ADMIT-IT, can provide the free and confidential support and resources needed.

1. Older Adults and Problem Gambling – Oregon. https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HSD/Problem-Gambling/Documents/Older-Adults.pdf.

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Celebrando las Personas Mayores y sus Cuidadores

Preventing the Link Between Crime & Problem Gambling

Las generaciones anteriores a nosotros han allanado el camino para nuestro futuro, y el Consejo de Apuestas Compulsivas de Florida está aprovechando esta oportunidad para festejar a las personas mayores en nuestras vidas durante el Mes de la Independencia de las Personas Mayores. Este mes se diseñó para honrar la independencia de una persona mayor y llamar la atención sobre actividades y programas que pueden ayudarles a mantenerla. La independencia no significa una vida solo, por lo que ésta es una gran oportunidad para reconocer también a quienes cuidan a las personas mayores y a muchos otros en el Día Nacional del Cuidador el 17 de febrero. Una forma de honrar a las personas mayores y a sus cuidadores es crear conciencia sobre las apuestas compulsivas y los recursos disponibles.

Por qué las personas mayores corren más riesgo 

Si bien muchas personas mayores están entrando en una nueva etapa de la vida llena de más tiempo libre para pasarlo con sus seres queridos o para dedicarse a sus pasiones, existe un mayor riesgo de desarrollar comportamientos problemáticos de apuestas a medida que intentan llenar vacíos de tiempo o de otro tipo. Las personas mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir los efectos de los problemas con las apuestas porque: 

  • Muchos viven de ingresos fijos con una capacidad limitada para obtener ganancias futuras
  • Desafíos con el deterioro cognitivo o físico
  • Aburrimiento o sentimientos de soledad o aislamiento 
  • Son significativamente más propensos a tener una ansiedad generalizada o un trastorno por uso de sustancias [1]

La importancia de elegir un cuidador confiable

Los cuidadores vienen en muchas formas y, ya sea otro miembro de la familia o un profesional contratado, es esencial tener cuidado al elegir a la persona que cuida a nuestros seres queridos mayores. Los cuidadores son responsables de llevar a la persona bajo su cuidado a las citas, preparar las comidas, hacer las tareas domésticas, ayudar con el pago de facturas y más. Sin embargo, el cuidado puede llegar a ser abrumador, por lo que la persona que elija necesita tener formas saludables de sobrellevar la situación, para que ellos tampoco busquen escapar a través de comportamientos problemáticos de apuestas. 

Cómo el problema de apuestas de un cuidador puede afectar a sus seres queridos

Los clientes y las familias pueden sentir los efectos dominó del problema de las apuestas de un cuidador, aunque en algunos casos los clientes pueden ser incapaces de comunicar claramente sus preocupaciones.  

Si un cuidador ha desarrollado comportamientos problemáticos de apuestas, esto puede conducir a la explotación financiera de su cliente para alimentar la adicción al juego. Esta explotación puede no notarse antes de que falten artículos o se haya malversado una gran suma de dinero. Más allá de la explotación financiera, los cuidadores también pueden introducir a sus clientes a los juegos de azar para llenar el tiempo libre. 

Cómo identificar la explotación 

La mayoría de las personas emplean a un cuidador cuando no pueden atender a sus seres queridos las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Es fundamental comprender la importancia que tiene monitorear lo que sucede cuando no hay nadie más en los alrededores. Aquí hay algunas maneras de identificar la explotación de ancianos debida a las apuestas: 

  • Joyas, dinero u otras posesiones faltantes en la casa del cliente
  • Cambios repentinos o grandes retiradas de cuentas financieras
  • Retiros no autorizados de cajeros automáticos 
  • El cliente y el cuidador no están donde se supone que deben estar cuando se hacen visitas sin previo aviso

Afortunadamente, hay ayuda disponible para los apostadores con problemas, sus seres queridos, profesionales y otros. Your One Sure Thing, 888-ADMIT-IT, puede proporcionarle el apoyo y los recursos gratuitos y confidenciales necesarios.

1. Adultos mayores y problemas con el juego – Oregón. https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HSD/Problem-Gambling/Documents/Older-Adults.pdf.

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Podcast – Mail Bag 2/16/2023

Podcast - Buddy Frank & G2E 2022

No guest this week as we answer questions from our mail bag. 

We welcome your questions – send them to us at [email protected], or you can find me at @RWM21 on Twitter or https://www.facebook.com/GamblingWithAnEdge.

podcast – https://www.spreaker.com/user/7418966/mail02132023

Show Notes

[00:00]  Introduction

[00:26]  Playing without card inserted

[00:56]  Failures in advantage play

[12:54]  What is the best way to earn free play?

[14:18]  Dealers offering advice, playing hands without instruction

[15:14]  Tips for building a bankroll

[16:50]  Social engineering to prolong plays

[18:09]  New video poker variant

[19:29]  Maintaining Seven Stars status at Caesars

[20:22]  Testing blackjack team members

[24:48]  Wonging and back counting

[26:10]  Craps betting system

[28:13]  Losses at high variance video poker games

[30:19]  Dealer errors at Free Bet Blackjack

[32:55]  Is video poker still beatable in casinos today?

[33:27]  Playing blackjack at third base

[35:42]  Switching video poker variants due to short-term outcomes

[36:29]  Explaining advantage play to family and friends

[40:59]  Commercials

[42:54]  Bankroll management, planning for living expenses

[45:58]  Free play strategy

[47:05]  Banking issues for advantage players

[49:33]  Emotional bankroll and other tips for increasing blackjack stakes

[50:58]  Does using a food comp hurt offers?

[52:46]  How do APs cash out enough chips to generate income without ID?

[55:21]  Recommended:  Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast (Episode BJA100), David Baldacci audiobooks

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Books Referenced:

Video Poker for the Intelligent Beginner by Bob Dancer – https://amzn.to/3YCRQQ8





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5 Easy Video Poker Tips That Every Casino Player Should Know

5 Easy Video Poker Tips That Every Casino Player Should Know

This post is syndicated by the Las Vegas Advisor for the 888 casino group. Anthony Curtis comments on the 888 article introduced and linked to on this page.

A.C. says: This article was written by Bob Dancer. Nuff said with regard to its accuracy. It was written in 2016, but the information is timeless, with the exception of the recommendation for using the Video Poker for Winners software, which is no longer available; other tutoring products are, however. These are just five basic tips, but they’re important and there are some good nuggets included, e.g., when to keep two pair in Deuces Wild. These concepts are taken much further in Dancer’s book, Video Poker for the Intelligent Beginner.

5 Easy Video Poker Tips That Every Casino Player Should Know

This article was written by Bob Dancer in association with 888Casino.


  1. Play maximum coins
  2. Check pay schedules
  3. Know the strategy for the game you are playing
  4. Practice before you play
  5. Watch your bankroll


Playing maximum coins gives you the full value for the royal flush — typically 800-for-1. Playing fewer coins gives you less for that hand — typically 250-for-1.

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A Different Sort of Promotion

Putting Bills Into a Machine

Bonnie and I took a trip to Reno and played at the ROW, the threesome of connected casinos (Eldorado, Silver Legacy, and Circus Circus) that are now part of the Caesars system. I’d played there previously but this was Bonnie’s first trip.

When we swiped our cards at the kiosk at the start of our visit, we discovered that we each received 20,000 bonus drawing tickets for a drawing coming up in several weeks, and a 20x ticket multiplier for all of our play that day. Every day we were there, we got another 20x multiplier. When we departed Reno, we each had several hundred thousand drawing tickets. I’ve never had so many drawing tickets in my life!

Turns out we got so many bonus tickets and such large multipliers because we are Seven Stars members. Diamond members get 15x multipliers and 15,000 tickets. Platinum members get 10x and 10,000 tickets. And Gold members get 5x and 1,000 tickets. 

Generally speaking, I only show up at drawings where I have a good chance to win. Lots of tickets generally mean a good chance. And now we both have a lot of tickets. Actually, what I just said isn’t exactly true. It’s not just the chance to win. It’s also the size of the win. A really, really good chance to win $50 wouldn’t be worth getting on an airplane to go and try to win. A moderately good chance to win $100,000 just might be.

So, do we go back for the drawing? 

Most likely not. 

If all players who show up get so many free tickets and there are such big multipliers every day, everybody will have a lot of tickets. If we have 500,000 tickets out of several billion in the virtual drum, that’s really no different percentagewise than having 500 tickets out of several million. If the second situation isn’t a “must attend” event (which it isn’t), the first one isn’t either.

To be sure, our Seven Stars status earns us tickets at a more rapid rate than lower-tier players get. But not that much more. It’s true that you only need one ticket in the drum to win, but the odds favor the players with lots of tickets. As a general rule for me, if everybody is getting free tickets, I’m not interested. No matter how much I play, if tens of thousands of players receive free tickets, I can never earn enough to have an excellent chance of winning.

There are players who will attend as many drawings as possible, no matter how many entries they have. Not me. It takes time and energy to attend drawings. Since Reno is hundreds of miles away from where we live in Las Vegas, it’s easy to see it’s not free for us to get to that drawing. But even for drawings in Las Vegas, it’s time-consuming to attend the drawings. And you can only be in one place at a time.

Turns out this drawing in Reno is a three-night affair. On Thursday, 20 players get $500 each. Since they say the number of players winning is guaranteed, I guess that means if not all 20 prizes are claimed within a certain time limit, they’ll keep drawing until they are. Friday night another 20 players get $500 each. Saturday night, 60 players win $500, and one of those 60 wins a $50,000 Mercedes Benz in addition to their $500. (I might be misstating the rules. I don’t have the exact rules in front of me. Still, this blog is about the thought process involved in deciding whether to attend a drawing rather than this particular drawing.)

Bonnie told me we didn’t need a new car, which is true, but I tried to explain that this wouldn’t be a problem. The odds of winning the car are very small, and even if we do, they usually have a cash option instead of forcing you to take the car. And even if they don’t have that option written into the rules, it’s not that difficult to sell a car. It’s better to win a $50,000 car than to not win a $50,000 car.

Bottom line for us is that while these drawings create a small amount of equity, in and of themselves, they wouldn’t be valuable enough to make a special trip. If there were other significant reasons to spend three days in Reno over that time period (which there might be, depending . . .), then yes, we’ll have enough equity to be present when the drawings take place.


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Podcast – Frank B on Super Bowl 2023

Podcast - Buddy Frank & G2E 2022

Our guest this week is sports bettor Frank B, on to talk about betting this year’s Super Bowl.




[00:00]  Introduction of sports bettor Frank B

[00:43]  Hedging, vig, psychological and bankroll considerations

[04:50]  Ratio of overs to unders

[07;30]  Same game parlays

[10:00]  Calculating standard parlay payouts

[13:16]  Differences in Super Bowl betting in different states

[21:30]  Opportunities created by a weekend influx of recreational bettors

[23:51]  Kiosks, apps, and betting in Nevada

[28:33]  What lines are likely to be moved by recreational bettors?

[30:34]  Patrick Mahomes

[31:41]  Imbalances in regional lines

[33:21]  Commercials

[35:41]  Cross sports bets

[43:21]  Resetting of slot machines

[50:40]  Recommended:  The Pez Outlaw on Netflix, Las Vegas Advisor sportsbook deal in Arizona

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Some Roulette Thoughts – Gambling With An Edge

Some Roulette Thoughts - Gambling With An Edge

This post is syndicated by the Las Vegas Advisor for the 888 casino group. Anthony Curtis comments on the 888 article introduced and linked to on this page.

A. C. says: This article provides a good overview of the different versions of roulette and its betting options. Not mentioned is the new trend toward triple-zero wheels, which raises the casino edge from 5.26% on the double-zero to 7.69%. The two versions are often available side-by-side in a casino, and it’s not uncommon to see an equal number of players at each. Assuming the limits are the same for both, there’s no reason to choose the triple-zero wheel. The “suicide” bet referenced in the article is also known as the “basket bet,” or simply the “five numbers bet,” and has a house edge of 7.89%. Aside from avoiding the bad options, there’s not much to talk about in the way of roulette strategy. Author Frank Scoblete hits on the most important consideration, which is to slow the game down (limiting your exposure to the house edge) by playing at crowded tables.

This article was written by Frank Scoblete in association with 888casino.

Some Roulette Thoughts

Roulette is probably the oldest casino game. It was invented by Blaise Pascal in his search for a perpetual motion machine in the 1600s. He didn’t discover the machine but he did give us a game that has thrilled and annoyed players since that time.

True, soldiers throughout history have spun their shields either to discern what the gods wanted them to do to yonder village, town or city or to beat their fellow soldiers in a game of sorts. Roulette comes from that tradition. Still, we have Blaise to thank for the casino version of it that we play today.

Roulette is just a spinning wheel with red and black colored numbers on it, running from 1-36, along with one or two zeroes as well. These one or two zeroes can be green. 

There are two types of roulette games, the American roulette (two zero numbers – 0 and 00) and the European roulette the (one zero – 0). Both games have the numbers 1-36.

Which game is better? 

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Chase Southwest credit card update, good and bad


I’m a big fan of the Chase Southwest credit card family. There are 3 personal cards and 2 business cards available with various benefits, bonuses and annual fees.

Referral bonuses are a way to make a few bucks and add points towards companion fare.

So, first, the good news. Chase now has a referral bonus for the Chase SW Business cards. You can earn 25,000 points for each referral. I don’t know if there is a limit. On the personal cards, you are limited to 5 referrals per calendar year.

Now, for the bad news. If you earn 60,000 or more Rapid Rewards points , Chase will issue a 1099-MISC. They are using a valuation of $0.01 per mile. I don’t know if this is a new development. This is the first time I have had enough referrals for this to be an issue. Going forward, I will modify my deal for splitting referrals. Instead of giving 50% of the referral amount, I will now give 35% of the referral amount. So, the split will now be 35% to referred, 35% to referrer ( me) and 30% to taxes ( federal and state). If you are interested in a referral for a Chase Southwest card, email me at [email protected] I also have referrals for some Amex cards and some other Chase cards.


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